Ciao siete pronti per un piccolo tutorial??
Oggi vi faccio vedere come potete usare timbri per creare un sfondo.
Ho fatto un piccolo cartolina da Roma con Winter Yumi.
Adoro questa ragazza..così versatile.
Vivo vicino a Roma come sapete,
e così ho timbrato il Colosseo e una Vespa.
Hi all, are you ready for a little tutorial??
Today I am showing you how to create a background using different stamps.
I have decided to make a postcard from Rome with Winter Yumi.
Love this cute girl stamp!! So suitable for many occassions.
As you might know I live close to Rome in Italy..
so I have stamped the Colosseo and a Vespa scooter.
Hallo, zijn jullie klaar voor een kleine tutorial??
Vandaag laat ik jullie zien hoe je stempels als achtergrond kunt gebruiken.
Ik heb gekozen om een postkaart te maken met Winter Yumi in Rome.
Deze stoere meid is zo leuk en voor veel verschillende doeleinden te gebruiken.
Zoals jullie misschien weten woon ik dicht bij Rome,
dus een Coloseum en Vespa scooter gestempeld.
1 timbrate il vostro timbro su un post it,
tagliate intorno ai bordi
step 1 stamp your main stamp onto a post it,
cut the image closely to the edges
1 stempel je hoofd stempel op een post it,
knip dicht langs de randjes van de stempel
2 metti il post it sulla carta,
timbri i timbri per creare lo sfondo
step 2 position the mainstamp ( post it ) onto the paper ,
and stamp the the "background " stamps
2 kleef de post it op het papier,
en stempel de stempels die je als achtergrond wilt gebruiken
3 togli il post it
step 3 take away the post it
3 haal de post it weg
4 timbri il timbro sul "vuoto"
step 4 stamp the image in the "empty" space
4 stempel de hoofdstempel op de lege plek
5 taglia la carta nella forma che vuoi
step 5 cut the paper into the shape you wish and colour the image
5 stans het papier in de vorm die je wilt
I hope you forgive me I have made a little mistake , I noticed too late,
I did not cut the space between the legs of Yumi...
so a little piece of the scooter is missing.
Sorry...I did not have time to make a new card.
Hope this will inspire you, have a nice day a lots of stamping fun,
please do not forget to join our colour challenge ..
( green, purple, orange, black )
You still have a day to join but remember only one entry per person.
Love rubber stamps - anything goes
Hugs Blankina
Che bella questa card che hai dedicato alla nostra città!!!
RispondiEliminaIl timbro è bellissimo ed è perfetto per questo lavoro...
Brava un grande abbraccio
Grazie per il tutorial! Fantastica la card......molto romana de Roma! Ahahah!
LOL, I don't think anyone would have noticed the missing piece of the scooter if you hadn't mentioned it because this is a wonderful technique! Thanks for sharing this wonderful technique...it's given me an idea!!!
psssst...AWESOME colosseum stamp.
RispondiEliminaSo beautiful x
RispondiEliminaso stunning blankina.i love your design and fab sassy image :D
RispondiEliminaxx coops xx
Very cute card Blankina! I love the travel scene and the image is so cute too. Thanks for joining our Loves Rubberstamps challenge this week!:)
RispondiEliminaThis is so fun and cute! Thanks for joining Loves Rubberstamps Challenge :)