
venerdì 20 settembre 2013

Sweet Alice Bean birthday card

Buongiorno, siete pronti per un biglietto del The Greeting Farm??
Ho preso il mio dolce Alice Bean, ho fatto un po' di paperpiercing sul vestito e il fiocco.
Un bel nastro, un fiore e un charm. Lo sketch è di GVT, lo adoro...
Ci vediamo di sicuro domenica con il mio DT post per Anyone for Anya 
( c'è ancora tempo di partecipare , usi un timbro di TGF o CC Design e il tema embossing )
  e il mio DT post di Yumi Fumi Handmade per riccordarvi del attuale tema...
( il tema attuale christmas tag, basta usare qualsiasi timbro colorato a mano ).

Hi all, are you ready for a Greeting Farm card?
I have stamped my sweet Alice Bean, and did some paperpiercing on the dress and bow.
A pretty ribbon, a flower and a charm. The sketch is from GVT, I love it!!
See you on Sunday with the new Anyone for Anya challenge
 ( you can still join this challenge with your CC Design or TGF stamp, the theme is embossing ),
and my reminderspost for yumi fumi handmade ( make a christmas tag with any hand coloured stamp ).

Zijn jullie klaar voor een Greeting Farm kaartje??
Ik heb mijn lieve Alice Bean gestempeld, het jurkje en de strik zijn gepaperpierced.
Een mooi lintje, een bloem en een charm. De sketch is van GVT, zo mooi!!
We zien elkaar zondag voor de nieuwe challenge DT post van Anyone for Anya
( er is nog tijd om mee te doen met een TGF of CC Design stempel, het tema is embossing ),
en mijn herinneringspost voor Yumi Fumi handmade
 ( maak een christmas tag, met ieder soort hand gekleurde stempel ).


FFF challenge - paperpiercing with a TGF stamp

GVT - sketch with TGF stamp

Loves rubber stamps - 1,2,3 ( 1 image, two dp, three embellishments; ribbpn, flower,charm )

Crafty Ribbons - anything goes with ribbon

Hugs Blankina

13 commenti:

  1. Che bello questo sketch....quasi quasi ci provo! La tua card ha dei colori meravigliosi.....^_^
    A presto

  2. wat een lief en vrolijk kaartje!!!

    liefs annemarie en merit

  3. I love her paper pieced outfit! This pattern looks so cute on her! Awesome work!

  4. so cute! and i love the pretty flower in the center!

  5. You quick, crafter, you! Way to participate in our challenges, Blankina!! She is just too adorable. The papers you chose are so perfect; I want to call her Strawberry Shortcake ;)

  6. Bellissima!!!Adoro questo timbro è dolcissimo bellissimi i colori sono così allegri...
    Buona notte e sogni d'oro!!!

  7. Thanks fabulous job. Love the layout and coloring. Thanks for joining us at Loves Rubberstamps.

  8. so gorgeous blankina.fabulous colours and i love the sweet image :D

    xx coops xx

  9. So adorable, love the image and the cute dp, fabulous sketch! Thanks for playing with us over at Loves Rubberstamps!!!

  10. This is fabulous Blankina... you used the perfect DP for paper piecing!

  11. What a cutie, love the pretty colours and papers, very sweet
    Hugs Julie P

  12. Oh I just LOVE Alice Bean!!! she's one of my faves!! super cute!!
    Thanks for joining us @ Loves Rubberstamps for the 1-2-3 challenge!! :) :)


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