
domenica 22 settembre 2013

Christmas tag at Yumi Fumi handmade DT post

E' domenica, 
siete abituati di vedere un DT post per Yumi Fumi handmade e Anyone for Anya insieme ,
ma oggi ho deciso di dividerli perché ho due progetti da vedere.
Ho visto che siete un po' pigri...aspetto di vedere i vostri tag natalizi da

Vi spiego di nuovo le regole; 
- un progetto a persona, adesso l'ultimo settimana per creare un tag per Natale
- si puo' usare qualsiasi marca di timbro, ma deve essere "cute" e colorato a mano,
( non solo un testo timbrato ! )
- se usi un timbro Yumi Fumi la tua entrata conta doppio
- fare un link al YFH blog direttamente al tuo post

Il premio per il vincitore un voucher di $ 10 nel YFH SHOP online, e un badge personalizzato!
il top 3 avrà diritto di un sconto di 10% nel negozio online, e un badge personalizzato!
Che aspettate?? Partecipate subito...

Il tag qui sopra è fatto con Chase , adoro quel sorriso furbetto...
Poi è adatto per ogni tipo di biglietto non credete??

Il mio biglietto sotto è fatto con Yeti Yumi...per i tuoi biglietti di Natale e non solo...
Adesso tocco a voi!! Per più inspirazione andate a vedere cosa hanno creato i team di Yumi e Fumi...
Buon divertimento!!

Challenges with my Chase Christmas tag :

Cutie pie challenge - a cute one for the boys

Christmas stampin' - anything goes

CHCC extra september - anything goes

It is Sunday, 
usually I share my  DT post forYumi Fumi handmade and Anyone for Anya  ,
but today I have decided to split the posts as I have two projects to share for each challenge.
Were you a bit lazy last week ? I am waiting to see your pretty Christmas Tags at

I will refresh you the rules; 
- one entry per person , now it is the start of the last week to make  a Christmas Tag
- you can use any kind of stamp , as long it is  "cute" and handcoloured,
( no sentiments only  ! )
- when you use a Yumi Fumi stamp your entry will count double in the draw
- please backlink your post to the  YFH blog 

The winner will receive a voucher of $ 10 to spend in the online   YFH SHOP , and a personalized badge !!
The top 3 will receive a discount of 10% on the online shop , and a personalized badge !!
So what are you waiting for???

My Christmas tag here above is made with the smartChase , love his smile...
He is suitable for any kind of card ??

My card instead is made with Yeti Yumi..for all your wintery / Christmas cards but not only ...
Now it is your turn, get more inspiration form the Yumi and Fumi teams on the main blog...
Have fun!!

Challenges with my Yeti Yumi blue card :

CHCC - christmas card stamp, stamp stamp ( use a stamp not digi )

Bunny Zoe monthly challenge - something blue

Het is weer zondag , 
normaal deel ik mijn DT post voorYumi Fumi handmade en Anyone for Anya  ,
maar vandaag heb ik twee post , want ik heb twee projecten voor iedere challenge.
Hadden jullie niet veel zien om te creeeren afgelopen week  ?
 Ik zit te wachten op jullie Christmas Tags bij

Ik herinner jullie de regels ; 
- een deelname per  persoon , nu gaat de laatste week in van  Christmas Tag
- je mag ieder soort merk stempels gebruiken  , 
zolang het een  "cute" en handgekleurde stempel is,
( geen tekst kaarten  ! )
- een deelname met Yumi Fumi stempel wordt dubbel geteld 
- maak een backlink  van je post naar het  YFH blog 

De winnaar krijgt een voucher van $ 10 voor de  online   YFH SHOP , en een persoonlijke badge !!
De top 3 krijgt een 10% korting in de online shop ,en een persoonlijke badge !!
Waar wachten jullie nog op, doe gezellig mee ???

Mijn  Christmas tag is gemaakt met Chase , hij heeft zo'n leuke ontdeugende lach...
En hij is geschikt voor ieder soort kaart.

Mijn kaart is gemaakt met  Yeti Yumi..voor alle kerst kaarten maar niet alleen ...
Nu is het jullie beurt wat te creeeren voor deze challenge, voor nog meer inspiratie kunnen jullie de werkjes van mijn Yumi en Fumi collega's bekijken op het blog, veel plezier!!

Hugs Blankina

5 commenti:

  1. such an adorable boys card.

    thank you for joining in with the cutie pies....come back and see us again xx

  2. I love both of these! Chase is handsome no matter where he is...but he looks great with the corregated paper. And Yeti Yumi is perfectly framed! Great coloring and designs on both projects!

  3. Love the tag and the blue card is beautiful - thanks for linking for my CHNC challenges - hope to see you again soon. x

  4. That tag is super cute! That little guy is quite handsome, isn't he. Love the papers and the sentiment. Thanks for playing with CSAYL.


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