Ciao tutti..Oggi un biglietto nei allegri colori dell'arcobaleno.. Questa settimana abbiamo un foto challenge da ANYONE FOR ANYA. Ho usato Cheeky Beach del The Greeting Farm..era rimasta nel cassetto per un po'...Colorato con i miei copics. Poi ho aggiunto la fustellata di Tim Holz ( film strip ), all'interno ho messo delle carte colorate. Semplice ma carino , no?
La scritta Happy Birthday scritto a mano..
Lo vorrei dedicare alla mia amica del blog da Hawai..Eva!!
Spero che anche voi potete particpare..basta usare un timbro di CC Design o The Greeting Farm..
e prendere inspirazione della foto qui sotto oltre ai lavori dei miei colleghi del DT sul challenge blog..
Sarà una settimana pieno di colori!!
Hi all, today a cheery rainbow colour card for you. This week we have a photo challenge at ANYONE FOR ANYA. I have used Cheeky Beach of the The Greeting Farm..she has been closed in a cupboard for a while now...Coloured with my copics. A die of Tim Holz ( film strip ), inside I have added different colours papers. Simple but cute, right?
I have handwritten the Happy Birthday text ..
I would like to dedicate it to my blogfriend from Hawai..Eva!!
Hope you will join to..just use any of your CC Design or The Greeting Farm stamps and get inspired by the photo and the cards of the DT on the challengeblog ...have fun..It will be a colourfull week!!
Hallo allemaal..Vandaag een vrolijk regenboog kleuren kaartje. Deze week hebben we een inspiratie foto challenge bij ANYONE FOR ANYA. Ik heb Cheeky Beach van de The Greeting Farm gebruikt..ze was al een tijdje in de kast blijven liggen...Met copics gekleurd . Een stans van Tim Holz ( film strip ), en verschillende kleurtjes papier toegevoegd . Simpel maar vrolijk, nietwaar ?
Ik heb Happy Birthday met de hand geschreven..
Ik wil deze kaart aan Eva opdragen..mijn blogvriendin uit Hawai!!
Doe gezellig mee met je CC Design of The Greeting Farm stempel en laat je inspireren door de foto hieronder en de DT werkjes op ons challengeblog ..Veel plezier, het zal een kleurijke week worden!

Copics used to make this card:
skin: E 000, E00, E02
hair: E 51, E 52, Y 28
flower: Y 15, Y38, R29
costume: B00, B05
shoes: B05
Hugs Blankina
RispondiEliminaBuona domenica
Ciao Anne...
RispondiEliminaUna card frizzante di colori e un timbro pitturato meravigliosamente...
a presto Ada
Tolle Karte gefällt mir sehr gut
RispondiEliminalg gertrude
This is so fun! It makes me wish Summer was here already! Gorgeous card!
RispondiEliminaawww, thank you so much! love the bright colors and the sweet image!
RispondiEliminaBeautiful and stunningly presented gorgeous colours too!! x
RispondiEliminaChe allegria e quanti bellissimi colori,una card splendida^_^
Che bei colori e il timbro è molto carino e sexy.
RispondiEliminaCiao, Ulla