mercoledì 20 febbraio 2013

The graduate ( the Stamping Chef )

Buongiorno, oggi un biglietto di laurea con un altro timbro digitale di  the stamping chef 
Si chiama all done. Molto carina da colorare..Ho usato i miei copics . Lo sfondo ho passato con un embossingfolder e poi anche un po' di embossingpowder al caldo. Le lettere e fiori ho tagliato con le fustelle di cuttlebug. Uso quassi sempre la gomma crepla per le lettere perché mi piace come vengono..
Mi fa pensare al film i laureati...

Goodmorning today another card with a digital stamp of  the stamping chef 
She is called  all done. So sweet and great to colour up. Molto carina da colorare..Coloured with my copics . The background has been embossed with an embossingfolder and afterwards sprinkled with embossingpowder and heated. The letters and flowers are cut with the alphabet die of  cuttlebug. I almost always use the foam sheets to cut the letters as I like how they look. 
This card has been inspired by the (old ) film The graduate.

Goedenmorgen, vandaag nog een kaartje met digitaal stempeltje van  the stamping chef 
Ze heet all done.  Schatje nietwaar en leuk om in te kleuren. Met mijn copics natuurlijk .De achtergrond met een embossingfolder geembost en later ook met  embossingpowder bestrooit en verhit. De letters zijn uit een foam vel gestanst dat doe ik bijna altijd omdat ik het effect mooi vind. De letters en bloemen zijn gestanst met de alfabet stanzen van cuttlebug.
De kaart is geinspireerd door de ( oude ) film The Graduate.

copics used:
toga: W00, W 2, W 5, W7, B100
shadow; B00, W00
ribbons : R29  , R 59
skin: E000, E00, E 02
hair; E25, E37, E79
diploma: W00, E 43


PTT - colourchallenge ( I have chosen the colours )

Mad for markers - inspired by a film ( The graduate ) with your copics and mention them

Hugs Blankina
and by the way welcome new followers!!

8 commenti:

  1. so sweet blankina! the embossing looks great especially since the beautiful rich reds. the white stitching adds a really nice effect too :)

  2. She is adorable!! Love what you did with the embossing, I haven't done that in a while! Gorgeous job!!

  3. Hallo Blankina, il tema hai interpretata veramente in un modo impeccabile. E diventato un biglietto meraviglioso.
    Ciao Ulla

  4. Cute card. Perfect colors for PTT challenge this week. Thanks for playing.


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