giovedì 12 luglio 2012

Borsetta jeans cucito creativo con pizzo rosa

Ciao tutti, ho fatto un' altra borsetta di jeans, il mio primo uso ogni giorno e tanti mi hanno fatto i complimenti. E cosi ho preso un jeans vecchio e ho iniziato a fare numero due. Questa volta con tocchi di rosa....e ovviamente non uguale al primo. La farfalla è tagliato con il creatable di Marianne Design, il materiale usato è crepla. Adoro il riciclo...non posso buttare quassi niente perchè c'è sempre una seconda vita per tanti materiali...vedi questa borsetta....
Oggi mi è arrivata due pacchetti e un biglietto ;un pacchetto da Sonia con un bellissima biglietto fatto a mano con FOREVER FRIENDS ...e anche un regalo per il mio compleanno ( il 15 )..una collana rosa ottimo scelta!! Grazie e scusa che non potevo aspettare...sono troppo curiosa.
E un altro pacchetto con i miei nuovi timbri del Greeting Farm!! Si, i due Beanies nuovi e Blush Bettie!! 
E anche un bellissimo biglietto da parte della mia mamma!!

Hi everyone, I have made another little bag with old jeans, the first which I have made I use daily..and many people have complimented me. So here is number two. This time with pink acents and ofcourse different to the first one. The butterfly is cut with my creatable die of Marianne Design, the material which I have used is foam. I love to recycle, I find it hard to throw away a lot of materials...because many times there will be a second life waiting....see this little bag..
Today is my lucky day, I have received two parcels one of my blogfriend Sonia, with a beautiful handmade birthday card with FOREVER FRIENDS and a present....I could not wait untill the 15th, sorry...and I have found a beautiful pink necklace!! Good choice.
And one with my new July release stamps from the Greeting Farm, the two new beanies and Blush Bettie have also arrived!! And last but not least a birthday card from my mum!!

Hallo allemaal, ik heb nog een klein jeans tasje gemaakt, mijn eerste gebruik ik dagenlijks en ik heb veel complimentjes gekregen. Dus hier is nummer twee. Deze keer met roze accenten....en natuurlijk weer anders als de eerste. De mooie vlinder uit foam gestanst met de mooie creatable van Marianne Design.
Ik houd erg van recycling, er zijn zoveel materialen perfect vvor een tweede kans, zonde om weg te gooien...zie dit kleine jeans tasje.
Vandaag is het mijn geluksdag ik heb twee pakjes ontvangen, een van mijn blog vriendin Sonia,met een handgemaakte verjaardagskaart( 15 de is mijn verjaardag ) met een schattige FOREVER FRIENDS beer en ook een prachtige roze ketting...sorry kon niet wachten.Goede keuze!!,  een met mijn nieuwe Juli release stempels van de Greeting Farm ( de twee nieuwe beanies en blush bettie!! ) en ook een prachtige kaart van mijn moeder!!

retro con tasca, back with pocket, achterkant met zakje


Charisma Cardz - recycle ( have used old jeans and cord from old clothes).

Marianne Design Diva's - animal antics ( butterfly die from MD )

Hugs Blankina

2 commenti:

  1. What a sweet little bag! That looks the perfect size for a cell phone and wallet! Great job!

    Yay! New TGF stamps! Don't you just love those beans!? Have fun with them!

  2. Molto 'girly' questa borsetta:))
    Un abbraccio forte forte,


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