domenica 10 giugno 2012

Odette celebrates in black & white AFA DT post

Buongiorno...E' domenica ora per una nuovo sfida da ANYONE FOR ANYA...
Questa settimana c'è una foto per inspirarvi. Un paio di settimane fa ho fatto un biglietto con un motivo bianco e nero...volevo fare qualcos'altro. Bianco e nero con un tocco di colore....un fiore particolare...con dei nastri e un bottone. La scritta "celebrate" in crepla tagliato con una fustella di Whimsy.
Odette ( il personaggio del Greeting Farm ) è stata colorata con copics , nella gonna ho lasciato alcune strisce bianca per creare un effetto zebrato.

Lasciate le vostra fantasia libera.. e create un biglietto "zebrato"...NON SCORDARE DI USARE UN TIMBRO DI CC DESIGN O THE GREETING FARM....per altra inspirazione guardate anche i lavori dei colleghi DT. Buon divertimento!!

Goodmorning....It's a new challenge at ANYONE FOR ANYA... This week we have this lovely photo to inspire you.  A few weeks ago I had made a card using beautiful paper in black and white so now I wanted to make something different. Black and white with a touch of colour...a particular flower...made with ribbons and a button. The text "celebrate" is cut out of foam with a Whimsy die.
Odette ( the name of this character of the Greeting Farm ) is colored with copics. Some pieces of the skirt are left white to create a zebra effect.

Get inspiration too...and show us your "zebra "card...PLEASE DO NOT FORGET TO USE A CC DESIGN OR THE GREETING FARM get more inspiration please visit the other dt members too. Have fun!!

Goedemorgen...het is weer zondag. De tijd vliegt voorbij...ANYONE FOR ANYA heeft weer een leuke challenge bedacht. Deze mooie foto is jullie inspiratie... Omdat ik onlangs al een kaart heb gemaakt met prachtig design papier in zwart en wit wilde ik nu wat anders maken. Zwart en wit met een veugje kleur ditmaal....een speciale bloem...gemaakt met lintjes en een knoop. DE tekst "celebrate" is uit foam gestanst met een Whimsy stans. Odette ( het dametje van de Greeting Farm ) is ingekleurd met copics en ik heb wat streepjes wit gelaten op het rokje om een zebra effect re geven.

Hugs Blankina

3 commenti:

  1. I love this Blankina! I had to click on the pic and get a nice close up look at it! Great take on the pic, and I love your touch of color! Super job!

  2. Another gorgeous card Blankina! Love the beautiful details and you have done a great job with the inspiration photo :)

  3. Anche questa card..splendida!Mi piace il fiore/fiocco,molto originale:)


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