domenica 24 giugno 2012

Copic Markers Europe anniversary sketchalious sketch

Il blog di Copic Marker Europe esiste 1 anno e per celebrare hanno fatto disegnare due digi's speciali. Fino a 27 giugno si puo chiedere di riceverli... poi devi participare allla gara entro il 27 luglio. Anchio ho chiesto i digi's. Tutte due sono dolcissimi. Per prima faccio vedere il mio lavoretto con il digi di Saturated Canary  di Krista. Ho usato lo sketch di Sketchalious.
Tutto colorato con i copics ovviamente...le carte sono di My mind's eye. 
Dentro ho messo un giftvoucher ( inesistente disegnato da me...però sarebbe un ottimo regalo da ricevere!!).
I bordi ho timbrato con il timbro di  Kaisercraft ("grunge").Le fustelle di Marianne Design tranne il testo happy birthday che è tagliato con una fustella di Whimsy da un foglio di crepla.

The Copic Markers Europe blog esists 1 year, to celebrate they had two special edition digi's made. Untill the 27 th of June you can request them....and then you will have to participate with the challenge. I have asked the digi's too...Both very sweet...First I would like to show you my take with the Saturated Canary digi made by Krista. I have used the sketch of Sketchalious and made an imaginary giftvoucher for copics , the papers are from My mind's eye. The giftvoucher is  not real but I would love to receive one!! The edges are stamped with the Kaisercraft grunge stamp...and the image is coloured with copics ofcourse!! The dies are from Marianne Design except the text is cut with a Whimsy die out of a foam sheet.

De blog van Copic Markers Europe bestaat een jaar. En om dat te vieren hebben ze twee speciale digi's laten ontwerpen. Je kunt ze aanvragen tot 27 juni mits je aan de challenge gaat meedoen. Ik heb ze aangevraagd. Beiden zijn ze super leuk. Ik heb als eerste een kaart/ giftvoucher gemaakt met de digi van Saturated Canary van Krista. Ik heb de sketch van Sketchalious gebruikt. Intern een "droom giftvoucher" gedaan die uiteraard niet echt is maar die ik graag zou willen ontvangen!!
De randen heb ik met de stempel van Kaisercraft bestempeld en de digi uiteraard met copics ingekleurd!!De stansen zijn creatables van Marianne Design behalve de tekst die met een Whimsy stans is gesneden uit een foam vel.

lo sketch di Sketchalious - the sketch from Sketchalious -de sketch van Sketchalious

copics used:

skin: C000, C00, C02
hair: Y28, C 31
clothes: R20, RV 23, RV 34, B00, BG 72, BG 49, YG 11, E 53
bag : YG 91, YG 95
Copic multi liner 0.3


Copic Markers Europe blog - special first anniversary challenge

Sketchalious - sketch card # 45 ( vedi sopra )

Bunny Zoe monthly challenge - girls, girls, girls

Stampin' for the weekend- show us your style
 ( romantic, colour coordinated , copics coloured and Marianne Design dies )

Saturday challenge - professionals ( copic designer )

Paperplay Challenge . use a die

Hugs Blankina

11 commenti:

  1. Bellissimo lavoro e complimenti per la colorazione! Scusa se questa settimana non ho preparato il tutorial per le candele, lo farò al più presto! Ciao!!!

  2. Bellissima questa card e belli i colori usati :)
    Tenero il timbro!

  3. How fun! I just love Saturated Canary, don't get to color them often enough! This is darling, I'll have to try a tag like this soon!

  4. huhu! ich bin es nochmal..ich hatte auch holland die daumen gedrückt...meine mannschaften waren holland und england...leider mußten nun beide schon gehen. ich wünsche dir aber das eure mannschaft weiterkommt *knuddel*


  5. Bellissima card e bellissimo timbro! Ciao, buona giornata

  6. Prachtig kaartje en en zo mooi ingekleurd!

  7. molto bella ! sono carinissime queste...."bimbe dagli occhi grandi!
    buona giornata

  8. So sweet - Thanks so much for playing along with Paperplay this week.

  9. prachtig geworden en een leuk idee zo :)

    Groetjes Geesje

  10. What a superb card! Thanks for playing along with us at Paperplay.


thanks for your visit , bedankt voor je bezoekje, grazie per la visita!

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