Cheeky Chat si chiama questo timbro del Greeting Farm...sta al telefono con una amica. Come dice il testo " A friend shares your story and your heart" - "un amico/a condivide la tua "storia/racconto" e il tuo cuore..."
E' domenica... inizia un nuovo challenge da ANYONE FOR ANYA... something round ( qualcosa circolare ). Ho usato il mio creatable di Marianne Design per tagliare la forma grande scalopata. Anche le rose e le foglie sono tagliate con creatables. Il timbro ho colorato con copics , colla glitter e qualche tocco di "Glossy Accents".
Per participare alla gara di AFA e la possibilità di vincere il premio devi seguire il tema e usare un timbro del Greeting Farm o CC Design...
Cheeky Chat is the name of this cute stamp of the Greeting Farm...she is on the phone with a friend. Like the sentiment of Tina Wenke says " A friend shares your story and your heart".
It is Sunday....that means a new start of a ANYONE FOR ANYA challenge....This week the theme is something round. I have used a scaloped circle cut with a creatable of Marianne Design.
Also the roses and leaves are cut with a creatable. The stamp is coloured with copics , glitterglue and some "glossy accents".
To join us with this new AFA challenge a make a chance to win the prize you will have to add something round and use a Greeting Farm stamp or CC Design stamp ...
Cheeky Chat heet deze stempel van de Greeting Farm....ze is aan de telefoon met haar vriendin. Zoals de tekst zegt " A friend shares your story and your heart - een vriend/in deelt je verhaal en je hart ".
Het is zondag dus weer een nieuwe ANYONE FOR ANYA challenge....Deze keer is het thema something round- iets ronds. Ik heb de mooie geschulpde cirkel gestanst met een creatable van Marianne Design gebruikt als ondergrond, ook de rozen en blaadjes met creatables gestanst.
De stempel is ingekleurd met copics , glitterglue en hier en daar wat "glossy accents".
Om mee te doen en kans te maken op de prijs moeten jullie het thema volgen en een stempel van the Greeting Farm of CC Design gebruiken...
Stempeltraueme - Anything goes
Bunny Zoe - Anything goes
Hugs Blankina
Sembra una tag o addirittura un ciondolo glamour :)
RispondiEliminaBellissimo timbro e bellissimi colori.
Bacioni grandi,
cute! love those rolled flowers too!
RispondiEliminaoh wie schön...gefällt mir sehr!
RispondiEliminalg nadine
Hallo Blankina, molto sexy, la Tua Cheeky. I colori, insoliti nel accostamento. Le rifiniture molto indovinate. Saluti, Ulla
RispondiEliminaShe is so cute! Great round project for AFA!
RispondiEliminaHoi Blankina,
RispondiEliminawat een leuke heb je gemaakt. Of is het een hanger. Ik vind hem erg gaaf! Die stempeltjes zijn zo lief!
I love it! She looks so cute. Your roses look great, too! I can't seem to get the hang of them yet, and I even have the die to cut them out! haha :)
Annie Rose
Beautiful card - lovely image, sweet flowers and interestin shape, hugs chanya13
RispondiEliminaCute tag!! thank you for joining us at Bunny Zoe's Challenge ♥
RispondiEliminaCiao Anne,sono di nuovo qua...volevo invitarti da me per un gioco..spero parteciperai volentieri:)
RispondiEliminaUn caro abbraccio,
Wow your card looks really fantastic.
RispondiEliminaThanks for joining us at Stempelträume.
Many greetings