Che bello, un sketch ( Sketchalious ) con una farfalla!! Ho preso il mio creatable di Marianne Design per fare questo biglietto di 50 anni di Matrimonio. Mi è stata richiesta tanto oro...E questo è il risultato.
What a lovely sketch ( Sketchalious ) with a butterfly!! With my butterfly creatable from Marianne Design I have created this 50 th anniversary card. I was asked to make one with a lot of gold....and this is the result.
Wat een mooie sketch ( Sketchalious ) met een vlinder!! Met mijn vlinder stans van Marianne Design heb ik dit 50 jarige huwelijks jubileums kaartje gemaakt. Ik was gevraagd om een kaartje met veel goud te maken...dit is het resultaat.
sketchalious- sketch
Charisma Cardz- Anniversary

Questo award mi è stato donato da Cristina, Grazie!!
This ward has been given to me from Cristina, Thanks!!
Deze award heb ik van Cristina ontvangen, bedankt!!
Devo raccontare 7 aspetti da me:
1. creativa,
2. romantica,
3. fedele,
loyal ,
4. disordinata,
5. amo la musica,
I love music,
ik houd van muziek
6. mamma e moglie,
mum and wife,
moeder en vrouw
7. europeana ( nata e cresciuta in Olanda ma ho lavorato e vissuto anche in Inghilterra, Germania e da 1996 vivo in Italia ), european ( born and raised in the Netherlands, worked and lived also in England, Germany and since 1996I live in Italy ), europees ( geboren en getogen in Nederland maar ook gewerkd en gewoond in Engeland,Duitsland en sinds 1996 woon ik in Italy )
Adesso dovrei donarla a 15 persone!!
Now I have to donate it to 15 persons!!
Nu moet ik hem aan 15 personen schenken!!
Lo dedico a tutte le persone che mi seguono,
se volete lo potete mettere sul vostro blog con un link al mio.....
lasciate un messaggio per farmi sapere....
I dedicate to all my followers,
if you like you can post the award on your blog with a link to mine...
please leave a message on this post to let me know...
Ik geef hem aan mijn volgers,
wie hem in ontvangst wil nemen zet hem op zijn blog met een link naar mijn blog
en laat aub een berichtje achter op deze post om me het te laten weten .....
Hugs Blankina
Beautiful card. Intersting layout. Magnificent butterfly. Bravo !
RispondiEliminaThank you for joining us at Charisma Cardz this week.
Hugs from France.
Brava come sempre
lovely card thank you for joining us at Charisma Cardz this week
RispondiEliminaLove Jan
Gorgeous card! Thanks so much for joining in with the challenge at Charisma Cardz this week.
RispondiEliminaJenni x
Beautiful, thanks for joining us at Charisma Cardz this week.
RispondiEliminaShell xx
Brava, come sempre. come hai fatto lo sfondo?
RispondiEliminaLo sfondo è un nastro stile "crackle"....ha un grande effetto vero??
RispondiEliminaGrazie per aver partecipato alla sfida di Sketchalicious!