
lunedì 12 aprile 2021

10 day coloring challenge #thedailymarker30day !!


Salve, hi, hallo,

Ho copiato questo del blog di Kathy Rac..lei organizza per il 20° volta
il fantastico #thedailymarker30day
sono super contenta di poter essere un goodwill ambassador questo challenge.
Se avete voglia di partecipare basta colorare qualcosa durante questi giorni..
non è una gara ma deve essere condividere, ispirare ed essere ispirati!
Se avete domande scrivetemi nei commenti.

Ik heb dit gekopieerd van het blog van Kathy Rac..
zij organiseerd voor de 20ste keer het fantastiche #thedailymarker30day
ik ben super blij om een goodwill ambassador te mogen zijn bij deze challenge.
Misschien willen jullie ook meedoen, je kleurt iets gedurende deze dagen..
het is geen wedstrijd het gaat om het delen, inspireren en geinspireerd worden.
Hebben jullie nog vragen stel ze gerust in de komentaar sectie.

I have copied this text from Kathy Rac blog,
I am super happy to be one of the goodwill ambassadors this challenge.

This particular challenge will be 10 days but, the next coloring challenge will be the the usual 30 Day Coloring Challenge.

The next 30 Day Coloring Challenge will be our 20th anniversary so there will be lots of prizes and a few things in the works already. With that said Thursday is the the first day of this 10 day challenge.

If this is your first time joining the challenge a warm welcome to you!  This is a good time to get your feet wet with a 10 day challenge. The goal of every challenge is to find a little time to color and I hope you will enjoy sharing with the coloring community, spreading kindness & support for each other!  Perhaps you can only find ten minutes on some days & the 10 minutes a day has always been my mantra.

The goal of every challenge and my wish is that it will be fun and stress free for you!! The icing on the cake is … this is a  good way to put your coloring mediums to use while finding some self care.

I hope to answer any questions you might have or give you a little refresher if you have participated before.  I will share my daily coloring both on my blog and on Instagram.  I am rarely on Facebook, but there will also be a private FACEBOOK PAGE, if that is where you choose to share your coloring.  Hopefully you will be inspired by the other entries posted each day by other participants and we can encourage each other to stretch our creativity.

** If you post on Instagram and your account is private I won’t be able to see what you are coloring and nobody from the community will be able to either (just in case you didn’t know that)**

Have a look at the #thedailymarker30day and you will find over 202,000 entries and so much inspiration from the previous challenges. It also gives you an idea of what some of our community is doing for their coloring.

My hat is off to you all!! Thank YOU all for your participation!!!  I would NOT be here if it wasn’t for you all!! Grateful is an understatement.


WHAT IS THE GOAL OF THE CHALLENGE?  To color something daily, even if it’s a few minutes, but certainly not required.  (I know that I am happier when I am coloring even if it’s for 10 minutes.)  It’s an ‘anything goes’ challenge; color whatever you feel inspired to do.  Any medium of your choice including “coloring” with ink or fiber for that matter.  Some days you will have more time than others but, it’s just about adding more time to color and carve out a little time for you. PLEASE DON’T FEEL like you need to finish or make a card. This is about coloring and finding a little time and it’s a lot about DE-STRESSING!  (often I have colored one petal on a flower).

CAN ANYONE PARTICIPATE IN THE 30 DAY CHALLENGE?  YES please!  If you want to participate you can jump in at any time during the challenge.  Feel free to include your children and grandchildren.  If you miss a few days don’t feel like you have to catch up.  We all know life can get in the way.

HOW DO YOU SHARE WHAT YOU ARE COLORING?  On Day 1  I will have a place for you to share on my blog with a link up (here is the last challenge link up if you want to have a look).  Two more ways to share are FaceBook or Instagram (these are more interactive).  When you use the hashtag #thedailymarker30day  and tag me that way I hope to find what you are doing.  Kids & young adults use #thedailymarker30daykids.

** please note we will continue to use the same hashtag even tho this challenge is 10 days. ( #thedailymarker30day )

WHAT IS A GOODWILL AMBASSADOR?  Each challenge a group of people are chosen that was very active during during the previous challenge.  They will be helping me spread love on Instagram and Facebook.  The challenge is about coloring & community, spreading kindness & support for each other.

THE GOODWILL AMBASSADORS FOR THIS CHALLENGE are: A huge shout out to these lovely ladies! Most of them have been LONG time coloring challenge participants and so fun to see these beautiful faces! It’s always an honor when a Goodwill Ambassador says yes to this time commitment and I hope you will check out their body of work on Instagram.

Patricia helps with the Goodwill Ambassadors and so many other things.

Feel free to grab the logo to share on your social media. Thank you all again I am so grateful and super excited. See you IN A FEW DAYS!! Big Hugs and lots of gratitude, Kathy

This is one of my latest coloring

4 commenti:

  1. Wat leuk Anna dat je bent gevraagd!!
    Lees dat je ook met een ander kleurmedium mee mag doen, dacht dat het voor markers was. Doe gezellig mee :)
    Fijne dag,

    1. mag met allerlei soorten medium meedoen zolang er maar kleur is te zien :). Leuk!


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