
venerdì 15 dicembre 2017

Grazie, novità Marianne Design

Buongiorno, goodmorning, goedenmorgen,

Ahh quando ho visto questa fustella del pianoforte mi sono subito innamorato..
che bello e poi perfetto per creare un biglietto per ringraziare i prof di musica,
visto che hanno preparato bene i nostri ragazzi dell'orchestra di scuola .
Meritano perchè oltre alla bravura devono avere anche tanta pazienza.

Ohh when I had seen this pretty die of the piano I have fallen in love..
wow , and also perfect to make a card to thank all music teachers who have prepared 
our youngsters of the school orchestra. Grazie = thank you.
I am sure they have to have a lot of patience so they deserve a special thank you .

Ohhh toen ik denze piano stans zag was ik meteen verkocht..
wat is hij mooi, en ook perfect om de muziek leraren te bedanken
voor het voorbereiden van onze kinderen van het school orkest.
Ze verdienen het want ik weet zeker dat ze heel veel geduld moeten hebben.
Grazie = dank je.

Marianne Design:

new piano

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fab n funky- anything but Christmas

5 commenti:

  1. Mooie combinatie van de nieuwe materialen, erg gaaf!

  2. Mooie kaart gemaakt. Prachtige stansen gebruikt

  3. Inderdaad geweldig leuk om ze zo te bedanken!
    Fijn weekend,

  4. Prachtige kaart!!
    Fijn weekend, liefs Monique

  5. Absolutely gorgeous Blankina. I love this elegant card and design. Thanks for sharing it with us at Fab 'n' Funky. I love what you did! Hugs, Wends xoxo Fab 'n' Funky DT


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