
venerdì 7 luglio 2017

Pink baby card MFT & Di's Digis

Hallo, ciao , hi,

Non ho solo nuove fustelle di Marianne Design, ma ho anche delle fustelle nuove di My Favourite Things che ho usato qui. Poi che dite di questo dolcissimo timbro digitale?
Lo adoro quanto è carino..anche da colorare.
Libera interpretazione dello sketch 340 di MFT. 
Tutto in rosa oggi..per una nascità di una bimba.

I do not noly have new Marianne Design dies I also have some new dies from My Favourite Things
which I have used on this card. And what do you say about this super cute digi?
I love it , it is so cuddely..and fun to colour.
A free interpretation on the sketch 340 of MFT.
All the card is for the birth of a baby girl.

Ik heb niet alleen nieuwe stansjes van Marianne Design, maar ook van MY Favourite Things
die ik hier op de kaart heb gebruikt. En wat zeggen jullie van het super schattige digi afdrukje?
Met zo'n lekkere knuffel factor..en leuk om in te kleuren.
Een vrije interpretatie van de sketch 340 van MFT.
Lekker in het roze aangezien het voor een geboorte van een meisje is.

Challenge : 

mft sketchchallenge 340 
Sketch Challenge 340 #mftstamps

dis digis challenge - layer it up

in the pink - special occasion ( baby )

When you open the mailbox
 you can see the text Auguri ( congratulations )

My Favourite Things :
die-namics Blueprint 31, stitched rounded rec. stax, free die mailbox , 
stitched flowers , wild greenery,

paper homespun gingham 6 x 6

Copic : 

leone- lion : YR 20 , YR 21, YR 24, YR 27, E 99, E 13
ipo -hipo : C 1, C 3. C 5, BV 31, BV 34
giraffe : RV 11, RV 13, RV 14 , B 70, white gel pen

dis digis : jungle shelf

7 commenti:

  1. Simply gorgeous as always l love the image x

  2. Herzallerliebst gestaltet liebe Blankina. Ich wünsche dir einen guten Start ins Wochenende. Ganz liebe Grüße herzlichst Silvi

  3. So gorgeous Blankina.I love the adorable image and stunning pink colours :D

  4. Zo lief,heerlijk zoet roze en zo'n schattige digi!!
    Geniet van je weekend,

  5. Gorgeous card, so sweet!...Thanks for joining us at Di's Digi Designs Challenge :)
    Wendy xx

  6. What a fabulous special occasion card, and so beautifully pink! Thanks for sharing with us at ITP challenge. Hugs xx


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