
sabato 24 settembre 2016

Crafty Friends challenge DT post

Buongiorno, goodmoring, goedenmorgen,

Oggi vi faccio vedere un bigliettino per Natale con una fatina di Julia Spiri.
E la mia ispirazione per la nuova sfida bi settimanale di

Today I am showing you a card for Christmas with a fairy from Julia Spiri.
This is my inspiration for the new bi-weekely challenge of

Vandaag laat ik een kerstkaartje zien met een fee van Julia Spiri.
Het is mijn inspiratie voor de nieuwe twee wekelijkse challenge van

Challenge No  41
Team: 1

Special Ocassion
Occasione speciale
Speciale gebeurtenis

The Sponsor of the Randomly Selected Winners Prize is

Name of Sponsor - Stamps by Julia Spiri

Link to web-store - 

Prize - One lucky winner will receive 2 digital stamps of their choice


special occasion : Christmas

3 commenti:

  1. Hi Blankina
    You've made a very pretty card for our challenge - thank you.
    Hope you are having a fab weekend.
    Hugs Diane Louise
    Team Leader at Crafty Friends Challenge Blog


thanks for your visit , bedankt voor je bezoekje, grazie per la visita!