
mercoledì 17 agosto 2016

Inky Chick challenge DT post

Ciao a tutti, hi all, hallo allemaal,

Una ragazza di questi tempi, che durante una caminata sta messaggiando le sue amichette,
questa timbro bello è di Lili of the Valley (LOTV). Poi ho aggiunto tante belle farfalle,
grande e piccoline. Questa è la mia ispirazione per la nuova sfida di

A girl of these days, while walking she is texting her friends,
this pretty stamp is from Lili of the Valley (LOTV). I have also added lot's of butterflies,
big ones and small ones. This is my inspiration for the new challenge at

Een modern hedendaags meisje, terwijl ze wandelt stuurt ze boodschapjes aan haar vriendinnen,
deze mooie stempel is van Lili of the Valley (LOTV). Ik heb ook heel wat vlinders op de kaart geplakt, grote en hele kleintjes. Dit is mijn inspiratie kaart voor de nieuwe challenge van

Theme is: 


( Tuesday, 16 August 2016 - Friday, 2 September2016 )

Sponsor is: Krea Teja
Winner's price is: €15 store voucher

stamp Lili of the Valley - Jasmine Phone

Copic :

skin : E 30, E 31, E 34, R00
jacket / shoes : V 12, V 15, V 17, V0000
skirt : V 0000, E 41, E 42
hair : YR 20, Y 21, Y 23, E 30, E 31
mobile phone : N 1
grass: G 21, G 24, G 0000, YG 91

3 commenti:

  1. Heel erg mooi label kaartje geworden...
    Groetjes van Judith

  2. Anna - this is absolutely beautiful. Your colouring is amazing and I love your pretty design.


thanks for your visit , bedankt voor je bezoekje, grazie per la visita!