
sabato 9 gennaio 2016

Tutorial hand drawing Copic DT post

Ciao tutti, hi all, hallo allemaal,

Un nuovo anno una nuova sfida personale ...ho ripreso a disegnare.
Per il Copic blog Italia ho fatto un piccolo tutorial, 
ho capito che tante persone sono interessate a disegnare a mano libera 
anziché colorare i timbri con i Copic . 
Tanti anni fa non avevo i Copic  
ma ora che c'è l'ho non potevo non provare a creare qualcosa. 
Siete clemente con me per favore.

A new year a new personal challenge...I have restarted to draw.
For the Copic Italy blog I have prepared a little tutorial,
I have understood that many persons prefer to draw instead of colouring stamps with Copics.
Many years ago I did not have Copics but now that I have them 
I could not resist to try to draw with them.
Please be gentle with me.

Een nieuw jaar een nieuwe persoonlijke uitdaging...ik ben weer gaan tekenen.
Voor het Copic Italie blog heb ik een kleine tutorial gemaakt.
Ik heb begrepen dat veel mensen liever tekenen dan stempels willen inkleuren met Copics.
Jaren gelden had ik nog geen Copics maar nu ik ze heb kon ik het niet laten ermee te tekenen.
Zijn jullie alsjeblieft niet te streng voor me.

A sketch with a HB pencil, sorry had to darken the photo to show the sketch.
You can almost not see the lines, a very light sketch.
Because I have not drawn since a long time I actually have used my left hand 
on the paper and passed the outlines.

Now I have passed the sketch with a gray Copic multiliner with a fine point 0.05.

I have used the T ( Toner gray family ),
starting with a light gray T 0.
Bringin in shadows with darker grays .

This is the final result.

Only gray tones for now perhaps in the future I can also start to use other colours.
Must put the date on the back and see what my hand looks like in the future ( with wrinkles ).


multiliner Copic gray 0.05
sketch : T 0, T 1. T 2, T 4, T 5.

Hope you have enjoyed it and who knows I might pick up drawing more often,
love to colour my stamps but this was fun too!

1 commento:

thanks for your visit , bedankt voor je bezoekje, grazie per la visita!