
sabato 17 ottobre 2015

Sweet pink baby card LOTV

Buongiorno, goodmorning, goedemorgen,

Per un momento niente Natale o Autunno ma un dolce biglietto da nascita,
tutto rosa. Ho preso un vecchio timbro di LOTV che rimane comunque sempre attuale.
Tre nastri, qualche perlina e delle fustelle. ( Joy & MFT )
L'orsetto e colorato con i Copics.

For a moment no Christmas or Autumn but a sweet baby card, all pink.
I have used an old stamp from LOTV that remains up to date anyway.
Three ribbons, some pearl and several dies. ( Joy & MFT )
The little bear is colored with Copics.

Eventjes geen kerst of herfts kaartjes maar een lief baby kaartje, helemaal roze.
Ik heb een oud stempeltje van LOTV gebruikt, maar die blijft leuk en actueel.
Drie linten, wat pareltjes en stanzen . ( Joy & MFT )
Het kleine beertje is gekleurd met Copics.

Copics :

bear : E 00, E 11, E 13, R 20, E 95
flower : E 81, E 83, E 85, RV 10, RV 13, RV 14


facebook LOTV autumn treats challenge 
 ( must use a stamp from LOTV which are on offer )
( I have used patchwork daisy )

in the pink - pink with ribbon

Crafty Catz - anything goes

Sweet stampin - antique roadshow ( use an old stamp, guess this one is about 5 years old ?)

Creative Cottage Crew - favourite colour ( summer -  pink )

Kraftin Kimmie - wonderful wednesday anything goes

Hugs Blankina

17 commenti:

  1. Jij bent ook werkelijk van alle markten thuis; lief, stoer, landelijk.... alles ziet erg gaaf uit! Wat een schattig kaartje is dit!
    grtz. Colien

  2. Dit is wel heel erg mooi gemaakt hoor :-)

    Lieve groet, Petra L

  3. Hallo liebe Blankina,
    eine wunderschöne Kabykarte hast du gezaubert. Ich bin totla begeistert von der niedlichen Gestaltung.
    Ich wünsche dir ein wunderschönes Wochenende. Ganz liebe Grüße Silvi

  4. Wat een super schattig babykaartje Blankina! Heerlijk roze :)
    Liefs Chantal

  5. Blankina, so lovely to see your card open up our challenge at Sweet Stampin'. LOVE the sweet LOTV bear you've used. An utterly perfect choice for our 'Antiques Roadshow' challenge at Sweet Stampin' this week. Thanks so much for joining in the fun with us. Hugs, Wends x Sweet Stampin' DT

  6. Ohh, wat schattig!!
    Weet niet of die er al lang opstaat maar, een leuke nieuwe profiel foto!

  7. Lovely card. Thank you for joining us at Creative Craft Cottage challenge. Mary DT xx

  8. This is gorgeous Blankina! love the color. Thank you for joining the challenge of Creative Craft Cottage. Hugs, Cindy

  9. Adorable card thank you for joining in this week at Sweet Stampin'. Good luck. Debbie X

  10. Gorgeous card Blankina thank you for joining us over on Crafty Catz
    Dianne x
    CC DT

  11. Oh my....ADORABLE!!! Really wonderful baby girl card! Thanks so much for joining us at Kraftin' Kimmie!

  12. Such a sweet baby card - perfect for our 'old stamp' challenge this week. At least you got to use it again, and it's a stamp that never goes out of fashion. Thank you for sharing and joining in with the fun at Sweet Stampin’ this week and good luck. Hugs Janine xx

  13. Absolutely adorable and so so pretty :-)
    Thanks for joining in our challenge at In The Pink!
    Hugs, Kat x

  14. Ciao eccomi!!! Grazie per essere passata da me ed esserti unita al mio blog! Ma tu sei bravissima!!! Le tue cards sono delle opere d'arte! Ho commentato questa perché adoro il rosa!!
    Ti abbraccio,


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