
sabato 28 febbraio 2015

Winter Kindness TGF Copic Italia DT post

Buongiorno a tutti,

Oggi vi faccio vedere il biglietto maschile che ho preparato per COPIC ITALIA
Con dei colori allegri , un bel blu elettrico abbinato al ruggine.
Questo bel maschietto sembra molto dolce e coccoloso, 
fa parte di un  set di timbri di gomma che si chiama 
Winter Kindness del The Greeting Farm.

Today I am showing you a male card which I have prepared for Copic Italia.
With cheery colours, a electric blue together with rust.
This seems such a sweet and cuddely guy,
it is part of the rubberstamp set called 
 Winter Kindness set of the Greeting Farm.

Vandaag laat ik een mannenkaartje zien die ik heb gemaakt voor COPIC ITALIA.
Lekkere vrolijke kleuren, een cobalt blauw met roest.
Is het geen lekker lief en knuffelachtig ventje?
Hij komt uit een set rubberstempels van de Greeting Farm
die Winter Kindness heet.

A closer look...

Ho usato diverse fustelle per fare questo biglietto ;

Marianne Design  : 
square die CR 1254
iscalloped square LR 0242 
( used with an embossingfolder )
the letters and circles and squares are from the die and stampset  COL 1380

scalloped sqaures die Crafts-Too 

distress ink  Tim Holtz ( rusty hinge ).
Dp Marianne Design 
 Shabby Chic PK 9121

letters and sentiment *stamped with memento Danube Blue
* My Favourite Things (MFT)

Copic : 

skin : E 50, E 51, E 53, E 02
scarf and hat  : E 81, E 84, E 87, E 89
coat : B 32, B 37, B 39
trousers : T 0, T 2, T 3, T 4
background : YR 24, YR 20, YR 00, YG 91
ground : YG 91, YG 95, YG 97
shoes : E 37, E 39

Challenge :

Anya, oddies and others - TGF anything goes


7 commenti:

  1. Het is zeker een lief en knuffelachtig ventje! Prachtige, felle kleuren :)
    Groetjes Chantal

  2. Leuk kaartje, prachtige kleur blauw!!!
    Creatieve groetjes, Gaby

  3. Ciao, grazie per la bella mattinata trascorsa insieme, è stato bello vederti realizzare quei deliziosi lavori. Buona domenica.

  4. Oh this is just the cutest card ever what a lovely image

  5. Leuk kaartje , springt er echt uit door dat blauw!

  6. So bright and FUN! Thanks for linking up with us at Anya, Oddies, and Others! We are so glad to have you join us!

  7. Love this bright and cheerful card! Thanks for joining us at Anya, Oddies, and Others!


thanks for your visit , bedankt voor je bezoekje, grazie per la visita!