
sabato 11 gennaio 2014

Grace has an amazing blog anniversary candy !

Hi all, goodmorning.
I was checking my bloglist of the people I follow and I came across
this amazing candy on GRACE her blog.
We have the love for the The Greeting Farm stamps in common.
On the photo you can see a part of the candy, for details please visit her blog.

So if you are interested too, below you can find the rules I have copied from Grace's blog.

So all you need to do is follow these rules...

Here's what you have to do for a chance to win:
1) You must be a follower of my blog
2) leave a comment below the post on my blog in order to qualify to win.
3) post my "Giveaway Icon" on the sidebar of your blog linking back to this post (it would be super if you could post it near the top).
4) and create a blog post about my giveaway on your blog, linking back to this post. 

Hugs Blankina

1 commento:

  1. Bella caramella!!! Lo farò domani con calma ...grazieee tantissimooo!!!


thanks for your visit , bedankt voor je bezoekje, grazie per la visita!