
sabato 18 gennaio 2014

Copic doodeling tutorial for Copic Italia DT post

Today I am showing you something completely different.
I have prepared an tutorial how to make a special cover for the
This is a cover in A 4 size.
All of us do make doodles from time to time.
Without thinking we put down shapes , dots, lines onto the paper.

When I was doing highschool one of my favourite topics was design / drawing.
A perfect way to express my creativity.
Besides copying and draw real objects
I loved to draw abstract in the "doodeling " style.

At the time I did not have any copics,
that would have been fun!?
From the past to the present, I had lot of fun making this cover.
And therefore I have decided to share this positive experience with you copic lovers.

Ofcourse to do this A 4 size you need a lot of time
( It took me a few days ) and a bit of fantasy!
I advice you to start with a smaller size.

Ready for a step to step tutorial?

I have used a sheet of perfect colouring paper and a pencil.
Just draw shapes / lines / dots , let your fantasy flow..
don't think but just draw..
It is very relaxing!

Than I have used my copic multi liner and black copic marker ( 100 )

Passed over the pencil with the black multi liner  ( 0.3 )

Afterwards the bigger lines where passed with the black copic marker ( 100 )

You get this look

Start colouring with your copic markers...

lots of pretty copic colours

This was the result but I was not happy yet...

So I have added more black..
And this is the final result.

Did I inspire you too??
I promise you it is soo relaxing!

The copics I have used are :

GRUPPO E :02, 04, 11, 13, 18, 25, 31, 33, 35, 37, 57, 79
GRUPPO B :05, 23, 28 , 45, 93, 95, 97
100, GRUPPO R 10, 22, 27, 29, 32, 35, 59
GRUPPO RV 04, 23, 29, 34, 59, GRUPPO YR 02, 20 , 23
GRUPPO Y 38, GRUPPO YG 01, 23, 91, 95, GRUPPO G 29
GRUPPO W 2, 3, 5, 7, GRUPPO C 00, 3, 5, 
GRUPPO V 05, 09, 12, 17, GRUPPO BV 08
multi liner nero ( 0.3 )

Hope you have enjoyed my tutorial..
Ofcourse you could also make a card with a small version!

Hugs Blankina

5 commenti:

  1. "WOW"......Ahh this is totally stunning x

  2. oh wow this is FANTASTIC blankina ;D

    xx coops xx

  3. Bello bellissimo!!!! Perfetto anche il tuo tutorial!!!
    Sei bravissimaaa!!

  4. Wow, wat een werk!! Lijkt me inderdaad erg ontspannend!!

  5. bravissima arrivo qui dal blog della copic!


thanks for your visit , bedankt voor je bezoekje, grazie per la visita!