
lunedì 30 dicembre 2013

My favourite christmas cards top 5

Such a difficult choice..choose your favourite top 5 of Christmas cards 2013.
Some of the people I follow have made their top 5 so I dediced to join Debby 's idea too.
Underneath each photo you can find the link to the original posts.

I love this sweet angels stamp of LOTV 
..and this creations has a soft romantic touch
with the pearls and lace
and the soft colouring with my copics

I love this gold and creme colour combo and the cute Yumi Fumi stamp
 a special touch is the texture with the ribbon and frantage

I love this vintage Cheeky Christmas stamp of TGF
and the pale pink suits her

I love how the Miss Anya scarves stamp of TGF is the main focus of this card
CAS card and I love this colour combo

I love bears and this LOTV stamp is so cute
... pale pinks and browns 

Oops I have noticed I did not pick any traditional Christmas ( colours ) cards,
hope you like this cards/ creations. Hope next year we can pick our top 10, lol.

See you soon,

Hugs Blankina

PS Non scrivo più in tutte le lingue, a sinistra troverete un bottone per tradurre il post, grazie..

Ik schrijf niet meer in alle talen, links kunnen jullie een knop vinden om de post te vertalen, bedankt..

11 commenti:

  1. Een heel leuke top 5 Blankina en super dat je niet meer in zo veel talen schrijft want je blog laadt nu 10x sneller dus nu is het achterlaten van een reactie geen eindeloos "geduldwerkje" meer!
    Fijne jaarwisseling en alle goeds voor 2014!!!

    xx Irene

  2. This is a wonderful selection of cards and a great reflection of your beautiful creative style.
    {Would love you to visit my blog and join my 130,000 Page View Give-Away. Thank you so much, if you have already entered, and good luck.}
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  3. Wow what a lovely choice they are all stunning

  4. Bellissima la tua top 5! Buon fine 2013 e buon inizio 2014!
    Con affetto

  5. A gorgeous selection of cards. All beautiful.

  6. Silver and gold,
    silver and gold....

    beautiful cards....all of them!

  7. Wat een mooie selectie!!
    De allerbeste wensen voor 2014!
    Geeft niet hoor, ik kan ook engels, hihihi. Gaat een hoop tijd in zitten.


  8. these are fabulous blankina.stunning selection :D

    xx coops xx

  9. Splendida top five, Blankina! Auguri di buon anno!
    Miria x

  10. A gorgeous collection of Christmas cards Blankina, such a wonderful variety of images and designs.

  11. Oh Blankina these are so adorable and gorgeous too.
    Many thanks for joining my Favourite Five Christmas cards.


thanks for your visit , bedankt voor je bezoekje, grazie per la visita!