
mercoledì 30 ottobre 2013

Cheery penguin Marianne Design

Vi faccio vedere il mio allegro pinguino..
Quante mi piace questa fustella di Marianne Design. ( COL 1331 )
Questa volta ho aggiunto l'occhielli movibile e un bel fiocco. 
Il testo è un timbro di Impronte d'autore.
Lo sfondo è fatto con un embossingfolder di Cuttlebug 
e poi ho passato l'inchiostro arancione.

I am showing you my cute cheery penguin.
I love this collectables die of Marianne Design. ( COL 1331 )
This time I have added some wobbely eyes and a lovely ribbon bow.
The text stamp is from Impronte d'autore.
The background was created with an Cuttlebug embossingfolder and some orange ink.

Ik laat jullie mijn lieve vrolijke pinguin zien.
Ik vind deze mal zo leuk van Marianne Design ! ( COL 1331 )
De tekst stempel is van Impronte d'autore.
De achtergrond is met een cuttlebuf embossingfolder gemaakt en wat oranje inkt.


Winter wonderland - check this out

Christmas cards -bows

The glory of christmas - selbstgemachter hintergrund 

Hugs Blankina

10 commenti:

  1. Wat een schatje, Blankina!!
    Een gezellige dag, Colinda

  2. Oh so cute...the googly eyes just make him fun!!! TFS!

  3. Die Eule gefällt mir sehr gut also die ganze Karte ist super
    lg gertrude

  4. aww, what a sweet penguin! love the fun eyes!

  5. Adorabile il pinguino...e card fantastica!

  6. Een gezellige pinguinkaartje, schattig!
    Groetjes Tineke

  7. a gorgeous card and lovely check thank you for joining us at the Winter Wonderland
    Hugs Kate xx

  8. What a wonderfully cute penguin - super card - thanks for sharing for the Glory of Christmas 19: homemade backgrounds - hope to see you again soon. x

  9. MOLTO carino!
    Grazie per esserti unita a noi questa settimana a Christmas Card Challenges!
    Monica - CCC DT


thanks for your visit , bedankt voor je bezoekje, grazie per la visita!