
domenica 1 settembre 2013

Strawberries at Anyone for Anya and Yumi Fumi back to school

Sono l'ultime settimane di estate..E non so voi ma mi piacciono molto le fragole.
Qualche settimana fa ho mangiato le fragoline del bosco di Nemi ( Castelli Romani ) , hmmmm.

Oggi da ANYONE FOR ANYA abbiamo la foto ( vedi sotto ) per inspiravi, 
ho scelto i colori e le fragole,
ma come potete vedere i DT hanno preparato dei biglietti  diversi...
Il mio è fatto con Sweater Birgitta di CC Design, le fragole sono due timbri diversi
 uno di Kars e uno di Marianne Design. Colorati con i miei copics.
La carta è di Action, il testo di Penny Black.
Sono curiosa di vedere cosa preparate con un vostro timbro/ digi di
CC Design o The Greeting Farm. Avete una settimana di tempo!!
Non mancate...

Invece da YUMI FUMI HANDMADE inizia la sfida bi settimanale
Si possono usare tutti i tipi di timbri ( colorati a mano ), baste seguire il tema,
un biglietto a persona.
Per tutti i dettagli andata al blog...
Il DT Yumi team ha preparato dei esempi per inspirarvi,
la prossima settimana tocca a noi ( DT Fumi team )..
Ogni martedi ci sarà un post di un GDT, ogni giovedì un tutorial o altro post interessante dal nostro DT.
La scorsa settimana toccava a me, avete visto il mio tutorial per un tri shutter card?

anyone for anya inspiration photo

Last weeks of summer..I do not know about you but I like strawberries a lot.
A few weeks ago I have been to Nemi ( Castelli Romani, about 30 km from Rome I guess ) famous for it's little strawberries from the wood , hmmmm.

Today at  ANYONE FOR ANYA we start a new challenge, look at the photo above and get inspired.
I have chosen both the colours and strawberries.
Please check what our DT has prepared...
My card is with Sweater Birgitta of CC Design, the strawberries are two different stamps
 one of Kars and one of Marianne Design. Coloured with my copics.
The dp is from Action, the sentiment from Penny Black.
I am curious to see what you come up with , please use a stamp / digi from
CC Design or The Greeting Farm. You will have a week !!
Do not miss out...

Instead at  YUMI FUMI HANDMADE a new bi weekly challenge starts
with the theme  BACK TO SCHOOL
You can use any type of stamps ( handcoloured ), one card per person and please follow the theme,
For all details please check the blog...The DT Yumi team has made lovely samples to get you inspired,
next week it will be our turn ( DT Fumi team..)
Each tuesday there will be a guestdesigners post, and each thursday a tutorial or other interesting post by our DT team. Last thursday I have posted a tutorial for a tri shutter card.

Last weeks of summer..I do not know about you but I like strawberries a lot.
A few weeks ago I have been to Nemi ( Castelli Romani, about 30 km from Rome I guess ) famous for it's little strawberries from the wood , hmmmm.

Vandaag bij  ANYONE FOR ANYA begint een nieuwe challenge, 
een mooie foto met aardbeien, zie hierboven.
Ik heb zowel de kleuren als aardbeien gebruikt.
Ga kijken wat de DT heeft gemaakt...
Ik heb Sweater Birgitta van CC Design gestempeld, de aardbeien gestempeld met twee verschillende
 een van Kars en een van Marianne Design. Gekleurd met mijn copics.
Het papier is van de Action, de tekst stempel van Penny Black.
Ben benieuwd wat jullie gaan maken , gebruik wel een stamp / digi van
CC Design of The Greeting Farm. Jullie hebben een week  !!
Niet vergeten hoor ...

Bij  YUMI FUMI HANDMADE begint weer een nieuwe twee wekelijkse challenge
Je kunt alle soorten handgekleurde stempels gebruiken, een kaart per persoon  volg het thema,
Alle details zijn te vinden op het  blog...Het DT Yumi team heeft weer schattige voorbeelden gemaakt ,
volgende week zijn wij aan de beurt  ( DT Fumi team..)
Elke dinsdag is er een  guestdesigners post, elke  donderdag een tutorial of een andere  interessante  post door ons DT team. Afgelopen donderdag heb ik een tutorial van een tri shutter card gepresenteerd.


Stampin' for the weekend - summer colours

Hugs Blankina

1 commento:

  1. so gorgeous blankina.those strawberries look yummy and i love the sweet image :D

    xx coops xx


thanks for your visit , bedankt voor je bezoekje, grazie per la visita!