
giovedì 29 agosto 2013

Tutorial Tri shuttercard by Blankina for Yumi Fumi

Ciao tutti,
Sono contenta di condividere il mio primo tutorial da YUMI FUMI HANDMADE STAMPS!!
Ogni giovedi tocca a uno dei DT di Yumi Fumi da far vedere qualcosa ...
Vi piace il biglietto qui sopra ?? Vorresti farne uno ??
E' un tri shuttercard.
 Molto divertente , ho visto diversi  tutorials nel blogland e questo e il mio.

Hi all,
I am so happy to share my first tutorial  at YUMI FUMI HANDMADE STAMPS!!
Each thursday on of the Yumi Fumi DT members will share a post with you.
Do you like the card above?? Would you like to make one??
It is a tri shuttercard.
 It is fun to make, I have seen different tutorials in blogland and this is mine.

Hallo allemaal,

Ik ben blij mijn eerste tutorial te delen bij YUMI FUMI HANDMADE STAMPS!!
Elke donderdag word er door een Yumi Fumi DT lid een post gemaakt.
Vinden jullie de kaart hierboven leuk?? Willen jullie er ook een maken ??
Het is een  tri shuttercard.
 Leuk om te maken , ik heb verschillende tutorials in blogland gezien en dit is die van mij.

Avete bisogno del seguente :

cartoncino misura A 4  ( 29, 5 cm x 21 cm )
design papers
score board ( ho usato il mio multi -pro di crafters companion )
timbri e carte , decorazioni a scelta

 You will need the following:

cardstock of choice size A 4  ( 29, 5 cm x 21 cm )
design papers
score board ( I have used my multi -pro from crafters companion )
stamps and decorations of choice

Je hebt het volgende nodig:

stevig  papier maat  A 4  ( 29, 5 cm x 21 cm )
design papers
stanley mes
score board (ik heb mijn multi -pro van crafters companion gebruikt)
stempels, papier en decoraties naar keuze

fase 1:
Segni le misure sul foglio A 4

lato lungo  a 5cm -  10 cm  - 19,5 cm  - 24, 5 cm 
lato corto 4 cm - 11 cm 
il pezzo sopra che remane viene tagliato con le forbice

step 1:
Out of the A4 cardstock you will have to sign

the long side at 5cm -  10 cm  - 19,5 cm  - 24, 5 cm 
the short side at 4 cm - 11 cm 
the remaining piece above has to be cut with scissors

stap 1:
Geef de volgende maten aan op het A4 vel

lange kant  5cm -  10 cm  - 19,5 cm  - 24, 5 cm 
korte kant  4 cm - 11 cm 
het bovenste deel wat over blijft word eraf geknipt

fase 2:
ti remane questo
tagli le linie rosse con il taglierino ( vedi fase 1 )

step 2:
this is what you get 
now cut the red lines ( see step 1 )

step 2:
dit houd je over
snijd de rode lijnen  ( zie stap 1 )

fase  3:
accenti le righe 
pieghe giù e pieghe su
 ( vedi fase 1 )

step 3:
score the lines
up fold and down folds
 ( see step 1 )

stap 3:
score de lijnen 
berg vouwen en dal vouwen 
 ( zie stap 1 )

fase  4:
adesso il tuo biglietto dovrebbe essere così

step 4:
your card should look like this afterwards

stap 4:
zou moet je kaart er nu uit zien

fase 5:
pieghi le pieghe nel modo giusto

step 5:
bend the folds in the right way

stap 5:
vouw de vouwen in de juiste richting

fase  6:
tagli i pezzi di design papers per decorare il tri shuttercard

9, 5 cm x 6 cm  = 2 pezzi
9 cm x 6 cm = 1 pezzo
9 cm x 3, 5 cm = 2 pezzi
4,5 cm x 3, 5 cm =  8 pezzi 
( Ho usato due carte diverse , 4 pezzi di design paper e 
4 pezzi di carta marmorisato che ho embossato ) 

step 6:
cut design paper pieces to embellish the tri shuttercard

9, 5 cm x 6 cm  = 2 pieces
9 cm x 6 cm = 1 piece
9 cm x 3, 5 cm = 2 pieces
4,5 cm x 3, 5 cm =  8 pieces 
( I have used two different papers, 4 pieces of design paper and 
4 pieces of marbled papers which I have embossed ) 

stap 6:
knip de stukjes design papers voor de tri shuttercard

9, 5 cm x 6 cm  = 2 maal
9 cm x 6 cm = 1 maal
9 cm x 3, 5 cm = 2 maal
4,5 cm x 3, 5 cm =  8 maal 
( ik heb twee verschillende soorten papier gebruikt ,
 4 maal design paper en
4 maal papier wat ik heb geembost ) 

fase 7:
incolla la carta in questo modo sul tri shuttercard

step 7:
glue it onto the tri shuttercard like this

stap 7:
lijm het papier op deze wijze op de tri shuttercard 

fase 8:
Ho decorato il tri shuttercard con timbri di  Yumi Fumi 
 nastro, fustellate e strass
Che ne dite ??

step 8:
I have embellished the tri shuttercard with Yumi Fumi stamps
 and some dies and ribbon
What do you think??

stap 8:
Ik heb mijn tri shuttercard gedecoreerd met Yumi Fumi stempels
 wat stanzen en lint en strass
Wat vinden jullie ervan ??

Una volta chiusa entra in una busta normale C 6
the closed tri shuttercard fits into a normal C 6 envelope
Een maal gesloten past hij mooi in een gewone envelop maat C6

Spero che vi è piaciuto il mio tutorial, è tutto chiaro ?
 Se avete domande o commenti da fare lasciate un commento qui sotto.. 
Non vedo l'ora di vedere i vostri tri shutter cards!

Hope you have enjoyed my little tutorial, is it all clear to you?
 If you have questions or comments do not hesitate to leave a  message below.. 
Cannot wait to see your cards!

Hopenlijk vonden jullie mijn  tutorial leuk , is alles duidelijk?
Laat een commentaar achter met jullie vragen of opmerkingen .. 
Nu wacht ik jullie mooie kaarten af !

my receipe:

stamp Yumi Fumi ( here ) ,swirls stamp Kaisercraft, floral stamp Marianne Design
sentiment stamp The Greeting Farm, hexagon die Nellie Snellen, butterfly die Sissix
design papers Marianne Design, foliart cardstock , embossingfolder, ribbon, strass, copics


Love rubberstamps - your favoutite colour combo ( pink and red )

Dutch Card Lovers - anything goes

PTT - anything goes


Hugs Blankina

13 commenti:

  1. Schitterend gemaakt Blankina en een mooie tutorial....

    groetjes Bea.

  2. Quanto mi piacciono i biglietti particolari e tu hai realizzato una meraviglia!!!
    Brava e complimenti per le spiegazioni, sono certa torneranno utili a tante........... ;-)))

  3. I love this card tutorial Blankina. Great DP and I love how you placed the images. Win/Win for us at Y&FH!

  4. Blankina, i wanted to write you, but your messages via the blog come as a "no-reply" blogger so i can't respond to your messages..i wanted to...let me know you email so i can write you back.

  5. Ciao carissima Blankina...
    la tua tri shutter card e' bellissima...grazie per i bellissimi commenti che lasci nel mio blog...
    un abbraccio Ada

  6. Wow, wow, wow!! That looks like a lot of work, but totally worth it! Adorable!

  7. wow! awesome card and tutorial!!

  8. Dat is een prachtig kaartje zo Blankina! Dank voor deze DCL-bijdrage.

  9. Prachtig kaartje hoor mooi uitgevoerd altijd leuk deze kaarten. Bedankt voor je deelname aan DCl.

  10. wow so stunning blankina.fabulous card shape and the images are adorable ;D

    xx coops xx

  11. Fabulous colors and excellent tutorial, I love the cute images and the dp you used. Thanks for playing with us over at Loves Rubberstamps!!!

  12. This is beautiful Blankina! Great tutorial too! Thank you so much for playing along with us this week at Loves Rubberstamps! We hope that you will play along with us again soon!

  13. Great tute!! & lovely creation!! :)
    :) :) Thanks for joining in the fun at Loves Rubberstamps this week!! ~~Nicole~~


thanks for your visit , bedankt voor je bezoekje, grazie per la visita!