
lunedì 26 agosto 2013

Cute LOTV bear Christmas card in traditional colours

Buongiorno! Stamattina vi faccio vedere un tenero orsetto di LOTV. 
Avete visto che ho vinto l'intero nuova collezione di LOTV??
Non vedo l'ora di riceverli.
Fustelle di Marianne Design e Nellie Snellen.

Goodmorning! This morning I am showing you a sweet LOTV bear..
Did you see that I have won the entire new christmas collection of LOTV with the bloghop?
Can not wait to receive them.
Dies are from Marianne Design and Nellie Snellen.

Goedemorgen! Vanmorgen laat ik jullie een lief LOTV beertje zien.
Hebben jullie gezien dat ik de gehele nieuwe kerst collectie van LOTV heb gewonnen met de bloghop?
Kan het niet afwachten ze te ontvangen.
De mooie stanzen zijn van Marianne Design en Nellie Snellen.


LOTV ideas to inspire - festive

CHCC - cute christmas

Christmas stampin - photo inspiration

CHCC extra challenge - anything goes christmas

Hugs Blankina

12 commenti:

  1. wat een schat van een kaartje is dit...en ja die prijs zag je naam al staan bij lotv ,,,van harte meid ik geloof dat je nieuwsgierig bent wat er allemaal komen gaat.....

    liefs annemarie en merit

  2. Deine Karte ist super süss liebe Blankina...!!!
    Ich liebe Teddy Bären.

  3. Questo biglietto di natale è perfetto!!!Adoro tutto ma proprio tutto...i colori il timbro le fustelle..che meraviglia...Bacioniiiii

  4. Die Karte ist wunderschön
    die Farben sind super
    lg gertrude

  5. Ooooo . . . that little bear is adorable!! I really like those flourishes surrounding him. Thanks for playing with CSAYL.

  6. Fantastic card Blankia.

    Love the teddy but my favourite is the die cut shape that is really nice.

    Thanks for sharing with us at CSAYL

    Tracey DTxx

  7. so gorgeous blankina.stunning traditional colours and the image is adorable :D

    xx coops xx

  8. Thank you for sharing your delightful, cute card for my CHNC challenges - hope to see you again soon. x

  9. thanks to join the fun with our inspiration challenge at CSAYL this week Blankina, your card is sweet and so cute with this lovely teddy, hope to see you next time, biz

  10. Delightful card made with your LOTV. And congratulations on your fantastic win ...that's a great place to win stuff. Everything is so lovely. TFS

  11. Hi Blankina,

    What a gorgeous card! Such lovely bright colours and the teddy is coloured perfectly!

    Congratulations again for winning the Blog Hop!

    Thanks for joining us as the Lili of the Valley 'Make it Festive' challenge, good luck!


    Erica x


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