
sabato 24 agosto 2013

Cas male birthday card with MD and AFA challenge reminder!!

Non sono ancora convinta se basta cosi o che devo aggiungere qualcosa..
Che ne dite ? Ho usato i timbri di Marianne Design ( CS 0865 ).
Il timbro della macchina timbrato prima di aver passato l'embossingfolder di Sissix ( Tim Holz ).
L'uomo ho timbrato con l'inchiostro nero e poi "invecchiato" con inchiostro marrone.
Aspetto consigli...
A domani con il mio DT post di Anyone for Anya e Yumi Fumi!!
A sono ancora delle ore di partecipare da AFA, lo sketch è semplice semplice..
con timbro di CC Design o TGF ...
sponsor Crafts for Eternity...

I am not quite sure if this is too cas or that I should add anything.
What do you think? I have used the stamps of Marianne Desihn ( CS 0865 ).
The stamp of the car was stamped before passing it through the embossingfolder of Sissix ( Tim Holz ).
The man was stamped with black ink and afterwards I have inked it with brown ink..
I would appreciate comments on what to do...
See you tomorrow with my DT post for Anyone for Anya and Yumi Fumi!!
By the way please join there is still some time left at Anyone for Anya
with a TGF or CC Design stamp..
sponsor Crafts for Eternity...

Is deze kaart te simpel? Ik weet niet zeker of ik wat moet toevoegen?
Wat denken jullie ervan?? Ik heb de stempels van Marianne Design gebruikt ( CS 0865 ).
De stempel van de auto heb ik gestempeld voor ik het door de embossingfolder heb gehaald van Sissix ( TiM Holz ). De man is gestempeld met zwarte inkt en daarna 
met bruine inkt erover om het een oude look te geven.
Ik wacht op advies van jullie kant.
Tot morgen met mijn DT post voor Anyone for Anya en Yumi Fumi!!
Doe nog gezellig mee bij Anyone for Anya er is een super makkelijke sketch
wel met stempel van CC Design of TGF...
sponsor Crafts for Eternity...

HUgs Blankina

4 commenti:

  1. Per me basta così,semplice ma elegante,come sei tu...regina delle card maschili.
    Ho da imparare da te per le card maschili che non faccio mai.

  2. So beautiful is your creation as always your so talented x

  3. stunning male card blankina.great stamps and i love your cas design :D

    xx coops xx

  4. Cool card for a guy! FYI, I just hopped onto the LOTV blog and it looks like you won the blog hop. Hope it's you and not someone else with the same name. Congrats!


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