
giovedì 11 aprile 2013

Penny Black with flowers

Buongiorno..come volano i giorni..Vi faccio vedere il mio biglietto con i dolce timbro di Penny Black con tanti fiori. Tutte le fustelle sono di Marianne Design ( craftables CR 1243 swirl / leaves, CR 1202 lacy frame ). Poi ho messo dei fiori sul nastro di MD ( FR 1119 ) e poi alcune fiori di stoffa.
Il testo è un timbro di TGF ( Anya Blooms ).
Goodmorning time sure flies...Today I am showing you my card with the sweet  Penny Black stamp with lots of flowers. All dies are from Marianne Design ( craftables CR 1243 swirl / leaves, CR 1202 lacy frame ). The ribbon roses are also from  MD ( FR 1119 ) the other flowers are from fabric..
The sentiment is a TGFstamp ( Anya Blooms ).
Enjoy the day!!
Goedemorgen de tijd vliegt voorbij!! Ik laat jullie mijn  Penny Black kaartje zien met veel bloemen. Alle stanzen zijn van  Marianne Design ( craftables CR 1243 swirl / leaves, CR 1202 lacy frame ). De roosjes op lint zijn ook van  MD ( FR 1119 ) en verder nog wat stoffen bloementjes.
De tekst stempel is van de  TGF ( Anya Blooms ).
Heb een vrolijke dag !!
Deep ocean - flowers and fantasy
HUgs Blankina

2 commenti:

  1. Such a fun card! I love the orange and all of the embellishments you used!!

  2. Gorgeous image you have used Blankina your card is stunning and finished to perfection x


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