
mercoledì 9 gennaio 2013

Party time with the Greeting Farm

Buongiorno, vi vorrei mostare un biglietto monochrome e CAS ( clean and simple ). Come sapete adoro i timbri del Greeting Farm...Adesso ho anche "attaccato con il TGF virus" una amica mia. Lei ha prese diversi da TSM.  L'altro giorno abbiamo fatto delle timbrate..Ecco cosa ho fatto con Samantha..
Lo sketch è di DTT participate anche voi con un timbro TGF seguendo lo sketch...Il premio che è un digi o timbro di gomma di TGF dipende ai quanti  participono alla sfida...
Il fiorellino in uncinetto mi è stata regalata dalla mia amica Rachel.

Goodmorning, I am showing you my Cas monochrome card. As you probably all know I love the Greeting Farm stamps...Now I have also "infected" a friend with the TGF virus. She has bought several TGF stamps at TSM. The other day we did some stamping together and this is the result with Samantha..
The sketch is from DTT..please join too, the more we are the better the prize which will be a digi or rubber stamp from TGF depending on the number of participants!!
The sweet crochet flower was made and send by my friend Rachel.

Goedenmorgen, ik laat jullie mijn CAS en monochroom kaartje zien. Zoals jullie vast al weten ben ik een echte Greeting Farm fan...Nu heb ik ook mijn vriendin aangestoken met het TGF virus..Zij heeft verschillende gekocht bij TSM. En laatst hebben we een dag gestempeld en dit is wat ik heb gedaan met Samantha.. De sketch is van DTT...doe ook mee aub met je TGF stempel want je kunt namelijk een digi of rubber stempel van TGF winnen naar aanleiding hoeveel mensen meedoen!!
Het schattige gehaakte bloemetje is gemaakt en kado gegeven door mijn vriendin Rachel.

DTT - sketch ( sentiment on top ..)

Timbroscrapmania TSM challenge - Anything goes

Charisma Cardz- Monochrome ( my 3rd and last card!! )

Inky Chicks - Anything goes

Bunny Zoe monthly challenge - celebrations ( party time / birthday )

Have a nice day!
HUgs Blankina

12 commenti:

  1. Anche Questa card mi piace, le tue timbrate sono sempre colorate in un modo cosi deciso.
    E bello, vedere i tanti modi diversi, di colorare i timbri. Ognuno è artista a modo suo.
    Ciao, Ulla

  2. Ik vind jouw verslaving óók helemaal gaaf hoor meis.....superleuk gedaan weer en gelukkig mogen we allemaal onze eigen verslaving uitkiezen, hihi. Ga jij maar lekker verder met deze schatjes, er zijn er ook genoeg van!
    Liefs Plony.

  3. Che card allegra con questo dolce timbrino e che bei colori brillanti^_^

  4. WOW, Wunderschöne Karte liebe Blankina. aber wo bekommt man diese Tollen Stempel??????
    lg gertrude

  5. Beautiful! Love the image and colour. Thank you for joining us at Charisma Cardz this week. Good luck. Hugs,Jill x

  6. Beautiful card. Very bright. Great job !

    Thanks for joining us at Charisma Cardz this week.

    Hugs from France.

  7. Super cute! I LOVE the yellow! :) Thanks for playing in the TGF DTT challenge.

    Annie Rose

  8. Great card!! The yellow is super pretty! Thanks for playing along with the TGF challenge!

  9. what a great card Blankina...I love the image...thanks for joining in with the Bunny Zoe's Crafts monthly challenge
    Mina xxx

  10. Bella, allegra e solare!!! Brava Blankina!!
    Grazie 1000 per aver partecipato al challenge di TSM.
    a presto


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