
domenica 9 dicembre 2012

Riley dreaming of a purple Christmas AFA DT post

Buongiorno, siete pronti per la nuovo sfida di ANYONE FOR ANYA ?? 
C'è una foto per inspirarvi. Vedi qui sotto..
Ho scelto il colore viola..per una mia amica del blog . Lei ha gia ricevuto questo biglietto. Insomma Riley del Greeting Farm sogno un natale viola. Paperpiercing per i vestiti. Brillantini e strass!L'embossingfolder è di cuttlebug e le fustella di Marianne Design. Grazie all'auito delle mie amiche del blog sono a riuscito di inpiccollire le foto...
Andate a vedere il blog di ANYONE FOR ANYA per piu inspirazione,
e participate con un vostro timbro di CC Design o the Greeting Farm,
così potete aggiungere un biglietto per Natale che si avvicina...

Goodmorning, are you ready for a new challenge at ANYONE FOR ANYA?? Below you can find the photo to inspire you this week. I have choosen to make a purple card with Riley of the Greeting Farm.
This one has been already received by my blogfriend Rachel ...Paperpierced clothes and loads of strass and glitter. She is defenitely dreaming of a purple Christmas. The embossingfolder is of cuttlebug and the die of Marianne Design. Thanks to my blog friends I have also managed to reduce the size of my blog photo's ..thanks!!
Check out the ANYONE FOR ANYA blog for more inspiration and please join with a CC Design or the Greeting Farm stamp. I am sure you will need another Christmas is coming close now!!

Goedenmorgen, zijn jullie klaar voor een nieuwe challenge van ANYONE FOR ANYA ?? Zie de mooie foto om jullie te inspireren. Ik heb paars gekozen voor mijn Riley van de Greeting Farm. Ze droomt van een paarse kerst. Deze kaart heb ik naar mijn blog vriendin Rachel gestuurd. Paperpiercing voor de kleren en veel glitters en strass. De embossingfolder is van Cuttlebug en de stans van Marianne Design.
Een bedabnkje aan mijn blog /dt maatjes..ik kan nu ook mijn blog foto's verkleinen.

Kijk even op het blog van de ANYONE FOR ANYA voor nog meer inspiratie..
je kunt mooi meedoen met je CC Design of the Greeting Farm stempels,
jullie hebben vast nog een kerstkaartje nodig...het komt nu echt dichtbij!!

anyone for anya inspiration photo


The Greeting Farm FFF challenge - Christmas or holiday themed cards

Hugs Blankina

5 commenti:

  1. WOW, perfeckt diese Karte
    lg Gertrude

  2. You know I love this one!! My 7 year old was drooling over it the other day! lol! Thanks for the gorgeous card!

  3. Hi, Your card is gorgeous just love everything about it and the layout too! x

  4. lovely card! the purple looks good!


thanks for your visit , bedankt voor je bezoekje, grazie per la visita!