
lunedì 12 novembre 2012

Shopping LOTV and Sympathy Marianne Design cards

L'ultimamente ho colorato tanti timbri ( durante lo sport dei miei bimbi ) 
ma non aveva tempo di fare dei biglietti...questa è di LOTV.
Con i miei copics blue ( B45, B99 ottimo insieme secondo me ).

Latetely I have coloured up many stamps ( during the sport of my kids )
but I did not have time to make cards...this one is of LOTV.
With some of my favourite copics combo B45 and B99.

De laatste tijd heb ik heel wat stempeltje gekleurd tijdens de sport van mijn kinderen..
maar had geen tijd kaartjes te maken...deze is van LOTV.
Met een favouriete copics combo B45 en B99 


Charisma Cardz- feeling blue

LOTV - all things bright and beautiful 

Un altro biglietto con le belle fustelle e fiori di Marianne Design, ovviamente non per una occassione allegra..
Semplice ma elegante...

Another card made with my creatables and flowers  of Marianne Design , ofcourse not for the best occassion..An elegant card with style..

Nog een kaartje met de creatables en bloemetjes van Marianne Design, 
uiteraard niet voor de leukste gelegenheid. Sober maar elegant niet waar..

creatables: cross LR 0252 (new!! also a lovely church...)
 square LR 0234


Simon says challenge - Sympathy

HUgs Blankina

10 commenti:

  1. How funny is she! What an adorable image! Love the colors too!

    The cross and flowers on the second card is gorgeous!! Simple, but pretty!!

  2. Too cute ! Lovely card. Beautiful image. Fabulous work on it. Bravo !

    Thanks for joining us at Charisma Cardz this week.

    Hugs from France.

  3. WOW, was für schöne Arbeit ist wunderschön
    lg gertrude

  4. Il biglietto con il timbro e veramente dolcissimo. I colori insieme mi piacciono.
    L'altro per l'occasione triste, e molto elegante, però ogni tanto servono anche biglietti cosi.
    Ciao, Ulla

  5. A beautiful Sympathy card, a fabulous design and gorgeous details.

    Heather xx
    Thanks for joining us with Simon Says Stamp challenge

  6. Wonderful cards! Two different styles and both so pretty! Thanks for joining us for the Simon Says Stamp Challenge!

  7. Super cards.
    Thanks for playing along at Charisma this week.
    Good luck
    Debs xx


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