
domenica 4 novembre 2012

Cupcake Anya Anyone for Anya DT post

Miss Anya treats The Greeting Farm

Buongiorno...Vi presento Anya treats un timbro dolcissimo del Greeting Farm. Questa linea è più grande del soliti timbri TGF. Il 1 novembre sono lanciati nuovi timbri del TGF , anche un nuovo "Big Anya". 
Andate a vedere ( vedi link new stamps  o qui)...l'ho messo sulla mia lista di desideri...
Intanto potete tirare fuori un timbro TGF o CC Design per participare alla nuova sfida di
 ANYONE FOR ANYA questa settimana deve aver qualcosa da fare con mangiare...
Fuori vedi Anya con i cupcakes all'interno potete vedere il testo, che viene con il timbro vedi foto sotto.
Buon divertimento non vedo l'ora di vedere i vostri card !!

Goodmorning...I would like to present you Anya treats a lovely sweet stamp of the Greeting Farm. This line is bigger than the usual stamps of TGF. Did you know that on the 1st of novembre were launched 5 new stamps?? Among those another fantastic "Big Anya" stamp a real must have.. ( see here new stamps or here) I have them on my wishlist hope to be able to buy tem soon  or even better to receive them as a gift!!
Anyway this is my Dt card for the new ANYON FOR ANYA challenge , which is food related.
So get out your CC Design or The Greeting Farm stamps and join!!
My Anya is serving some lovely cupcakes and if you lift here you will find the sentiment which comes with the stamp, see photo below.
Have fun looking forward to see your cards...

Goedemorgen..Ik stel jullie graag Anya treats voor, een lieve stempel van the Greeting Farm. Deze lijn is groter dan de normale TGf stempels. Ik vind ze echt heel mooi.. Weten jullie dat afgelopen 1 november 5 nieuwe stempels van TGF zijn gelanceerd?? Kijk even stamps of hier ! Ik heb al verschillende op mijn verlanglijstje nu maar hopen dat ik ze snel kan kopen of kado krijgen..
Nou ja dit is mijn DT kaart voor de nieuwe ANYONE FOR ANYA challenge , deze week moet het iets met eten te maken hebben.. Ik deel dus cup cakes uit. Zoeken jullie ook een CC Design of The Greeting Farm op en doe mooi mee...
Mijn Anya kan worden opengedaan en dan vind je de tekst stempel die ook bij de stempel komt, 
zie je hier onder
Veel plezier, ik zie er naar uit jullie kaarten te zien!!

Hugs Blankina

9 commenti:

  1. Hallo Blankina, quando ho aperto il Tuo blog , mi arrivato un grandissimo bacione. Hai cambiato ancora il layout. questo mi piace,proprio per la sorpresa.
    Il nuovo biglietto è dolcissimo in tutti i sensi.Per il timbro, la carta e il suo tema.
    Ancora una DOLCE Domenica, Ulla

  2. Wunderschön deine Karten und Arbeiten,ganz toll
    lg Gertrude

  3. What cute cupcake paper!! This is a cool card, I have never seen one like this before! She turned out adorable! Awesome work!

  4. Fabulous card. Those cakes are making me very hungry!! xx

  5. È' allegro come tutti i tuoi timbri, poi usi sempre le carte perfette:)

  6. This is really cute! I love how she lifts up to reveal the sentiment. Great job! :)

    Annie Rose

  7. I saw your card on challenge blog and came here to become a follower and tell you how much I like your card and a great idea to hide the sentiment that way! AMAZING!!!


thanks for your visit , bedankt voor je bezoekje, grazie per la visita!