
mercoledì 24 ottobre 2012

Merry kissmas Cuddly Buddly

Tutti che mi seguono hanno già capito che mi piaciono i timbri dolci...questo è un timbro nuovo di Cuddly Buddly...Colorato con i miei copics. Un imagine tradizionale ma con i colori non tradizionale ..ROSA. La fustella, dp e pizzo sono di Marianne Design. Un bottoncino a cuore e qualche perlina...

Vi ricordo che al momento c'è ancora la sfida mensile di FOREVER FRIENDS ..un bel BINGO..
Questa adrebbe bene LACE, BUTTONS, PINK ma non posso participare perchè sono nel DT...
per info qui

Everyone who follows me knows about my preference for cute stamps...this is one of my new cute and cuddely stamps. It is from Cuddly Buddly...Coloured with my copics. A traditional christmas stamp using unusual colours...PINK. The die, dp and lace are from Marianne Design. A sweet heart shaped button and some pearls..

I would love to remind you about the current monthly FOREVER FRIENDS challenge, which is a BINGO one. This card would be okay, LACE , BUTTONS , PINK For info please click here

Iedereen die me volgt weet van mijn voorkeur van lieve stempeltjes..dit is een van mijn nieuwe een schattig tradioneel kerststempeltje van Cuddly Buddly. Ingekleurd met mijn copics. Op een niet traditionele kerstkleur namelijk ROZE. De stans, design papier en kant zijn van Marianne Design. Nog een hartknoopje en wat pareltjes..

Er is nog tijd om mee te doen aan de maandelijkse FOREVER FRIENDS BINGO challenge, deze kaart zou voldoen aan de LACE, BUTTONS,PINK rij. Ik kan niet meedoen aangezien ik in de DT zit..maar jullie wel voor info hier klikken


Bunny Zoe monthly challenge - lace, pearls and pink

In the pink - pink buttons and bows

Fun with shapes - WAU WAU ( dogs)

Christmas Cards all year round- traditional image with un traditional colours

Hugs Blankina

10 commenti:

  1. Love this card. Bought this image last year and have not yet used it!!! Your card has inspired me to print it out and get colouring.
    Thanks for joining us at In The Pink
    Denise xx (GDT)

  2. This is so super sweet blankina! the colours are so pretty but most of all i love the shading..just perfect :)

  3. What an adorable image!! I was laughing because my little one is always trying to teach one of our dogs tricks, this totally reminds me of them!

  4. Ciao Blankina, è veramente molto dolce,questo biglietto e lo hai decorato in un modostupendo.
    Buona giornata, Ulla

  5. Ciao Anna.
    Sei più produttiva di un'ape operaia!!! Ma quante card fai?! E una più carina dell'altra. Sono sicura che andranno a ruba... anzi mi sa tanto che sarai costretta a farne molte di più, perché le richieste saranno tantissime ;D
    Questi colori non convenzionali rendono questa card ancora più speciale.
    A presto.
    xoxoxo Lalla... ma sempre Eulalia

  6. Hi

    Such a lovely image... and a perfect pink creation for our buttons and bows challenge!!

    Thanks for sharing again at In The Pink.... hope to see you again soon!

    Christine (ITP) X

  7. Gorgous card Blankina, such a sweet image and beatifully coloured xx

  8. Such a sweet image, very pretty
    Hugs Julie P

  9. Gorgeous card, thanks for sharing with us at CCAYR.


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