
martedì 16 ottobre 2012

Christmas cards Marianne Design

Ho iniziato "la produzione" seria dei biglietti di Natale..veramente faccio alcune durante l'anno ma adesso devo organizzarmi in tempo. In Olanda abbiamo questo tradizione da mandare i biglietti a tutti cari ed vedo che anche in Italia viene apprezzato.
Ho preso i miei fustelle , carta e nastri di Marianne Design per fare un biglietto in colori tradizionale.
Sulla fustella della candela ho messo un po' di glossy accents per creare l'effetto reale della cera .

I have started "my production" of christmas cards in a more serious way now...during the year I always make some cards anyway but I have to organize myself in able to get all done in time. In the Netherlands we have this lovely tradition to send all beloved and friends a lovely christmas card, I must say in Italy there are also appreciated.
I got all my lovely dies, papers and ribbons from Marianne Design out to create this Christmas card in traditional colours. On the candle I have put some glossy accents to create a realistic dropping wax.

Ik ben nu serieus met "mijn produktie" van kerstkaarten begonnen...ik maak er altijd diverse gedurende het jaar maar nu moet ik me echt organiseren om voor iedereen een kaart te maken. In Nederland is die mooie traditie om alle geliefden en vrienden een kaartje te sturen en ik moet zeggen in Italie worden mijn kaartjes ook gewaardeerd.
Allemaal mooie Marianne Design spulletjes, het papier alle stanzen en lintjes.
Op de kaars heb ik wat glossy accents aangebracht om het druipende kaarsvet goed na te bootsen.

Material Marianne Design:

craftable CR 1229 ( STAR )
creatable LR 0117 ( FRAME ) , LR 0181 ( BRANCH ), LR 0243 ( CANDLE )
flower ribbon FR 1124 , RIBBON LET IT SNOW
pretty paper block little christmas (?)


Christmas Stampin' - anything goes

6 commenti:

  1. Bellissima card amica mia, anch'io spedirò card x Natale, ma lo farò a fine Novembre x paura del traffico delle poste che vada in tilt:) e' la prima volta e sono felice di aver conosciuto care persone come te e Ulla:))
    La candela col Glossy e' perfetta, sembra davvero cera:))

  2. JUst Gorgeous! FABulous colours and design.
    Thank you soooo much for joining us this week at CSAYL.

  3. What a gorgeous traditional feel this has! Beautiful card, perfect for the holidays!! I really need to get started on mine!

  4. hello, you card is to cute and sweet, thanks to play with us at CSAYL, hope to see you next week.


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