
mercoledì 26 settembre 2012

Charity angel Michelle Perkett Studio

Ogni tanto uso anche dei timbri digitale...questo mi è di Michelle Perkett Studio. Stampato sulla carta di copics, poi colorato con copics. Aggiunto il pizzo con un nastro, fiore, foglie ( tagliato con un creatable  di Marianne Design ) e un charm di una fatina . La carta è di Action. 

PS Sono DT di questi blog:
 La gara di Forever Friends -Ribbon/ nastro è ancora aperta...
La gara Anyone for Anya - inspirata dal cinema è ancora aperta...
( con timbro di The Greeting Farm o CC Design )
La gara di Marianne Design Diva's - timbri qualcosa è ancora aperta...
usare minimo un prodtto di Marianne Design
per i link e tutti i dettagli e regole vedi sidebar e/ o DT post

Now and than I use digital stamps too...this one is from Michelle Perkett Studio. I have printed it out on copics paper and afterwards coloured with copics. I have added some lace, ribbon, a flower ,leaves ( cut with a creatable of Marianne Design ) and a sweet fairy charm. The paper is from Action.

PS I am DT of these blogs:
current challenge of Forever Friends -Ribbon is still open ...
( you can use any stamp but for a Forever Friends stamp there is a special prize )
current Anyone for Anya challenge - inspired by a movie is still open...
( please use stamp of  The Greeting Farm o CC Design )
current Marianne Design Diva's - stamp something...
use at least one  Marianne Design product
for links and all details / rules see sidebar or my  DT post

Ik gebruik zo nu en dan ook digitale stempels...deze is van Michelle Perkett Studio. Ik heb haar uitgeprint op copics papier en ingekleurd met copics. Verder heb ik kant en lint toegevoegd, een papieren bloemetje , blaadjes ( met een creatable van Marianne Design gestanst ) en een lief fee charmpje. Het design papier is van de Action.

PS Ik ben  DT bij deze blogs:
de huidige challenge bij  Forever Friends -Ribbon/ lint  is nog open ...
( je kunt alle stempels gebruiken maar voor Forever Friends produkten is er een speciale prijs)
de huidige  Anyone for Anya challenge - inspired by a movie is nog open...
( gebruik een stempel van The Greeting Farm of CC Design )
de huidige Marianne Design Diva's challenge  - stamp something/ stempel wat...
gebruik minimaal 1  Marianne Design produkt
voor links and alle details / regels zie mijn sidebar of mij  DT posts


Charisma Cardz - things with wings

Sweet Stampin' - how charming ( fairy charm )

Party time tuesday - Anything goes

Hugs Blankina

8 commenti:

  1. Ciao, Blankina, mi piace molto questa card, perché mi piacciono tanto gli angeli.

  2. Very pretty!!! That blue lace is gorgeous, it looks fantastic with that image! Lovely card!

  3. Thank you for joining us this week at Sweet Stampin' with your lovely card.

  4. such a pretty angel! love your embellishments!

  5. what a pretty card! i love the classic country feel to the card with that simple pattern and the lacy detail. thanks for sharing your "winged thing" creation with the Charisma Galz! xo

  6. Very pretty, I love the cute image.

    Thanks for sharing at Sweet Stampin this week, Wedgie xxx

  7. This is so sweet, love the image, colours and everything about your card. Good luck and thank you for joining us at Sweet Stampin this week xx


thanks for your visit , bedankt voor je bezoekje, grazie per la visita!