
domenica 6 maggio 2012

Blush Bonnie ama il pizzo AFA DT post

Blush Bonnie del Greeting Farm ama il pizzo...Siete pronti per una nuova sfida da  ANYONE FOR ANYA ?? Questa settimana dovresti usare pizzo piu un timbro del Greeting Farm o C.C. Design ovviamente. Il testo è anche del Greeting Farm van Shimmer Bean.Come vero fan di timbri del Greeting Farm vorrei informavi che il primo maggio sono stati lanciati nuovi timbri del Greeting Farm sono bellissimi....ho già ordinato alcune ...andate a scoprirli...andate a vedere sul blog splendid stamping with the greeting farm.Da Bunny Zoe sono già arrivate e fino al mezzanotte di 7 maggio c'è anche un sconto di 10 %. Link nella barra a sinistra.

Blush Bonnie of the Greeting Farm loves lace...Are you ready for a new challenge at ANYONE FOR ANYA?? This week you should use lace on your card and ofcourse a Greeting Farm or C.C. Design stamp!! The text stamp is also a Greeting Farm one, from Shimmer Bean.
As fan of the Greeting Farm stamps I would like to inform you that on the first of May the Greeting Farm has launched 4 new stamps and they are so cute, check them out. On their blog splendid stamping you will find examples with the new cute stamps!!
At one of the suppliers in Europe ( Bunny Zoe ) they have now arrived and for those who order within midnight of the 7 th of May there will be a discount of 10 % on all stock including the new arrivals!!
Link in left sidebar.

Blush Bonnie van de Greeting Farm houdt van kant....Zijn jullie klaar voor een nieuwe challenge bij ANYONE FOR ANYA?? Deze week willen we graag kant zien op jullie kaarten en natuurlijk een Greeting Farm od C.C. Design stempel!! Ook de tekst stempel is van de Greeting Farm, van Shimmer Bean.
Als echte Greeting Farm fan wil ik jullie even vertellen dat er op 1 mei zijn er weer 4 nieuwe Greeting Farm stempels gelanceerd!! Ze zijn zo schattig, ga maar snel kijken. Op de Greeting Farm blog splendid stamping kan je voorbeelden vinden van de nieuwe collectie. Ik heb er meteen een paar besteld.  Bij de Bunny Zoe online winkel zijn ze nu ook al binnen en het leuke is dat er 10 % korting is op alle artikelen inclusief de nieuwe stempels, geldig tot middernacht 7 mei. Link links boven.

Stempeltraueme- Streifen oder Punkte ( habe gerade diese Karte gemacht und eure Challenge gesehen )

Hugs Blankina

6 commenti:

  1. Hallo blankina, anche io sono raffredata, senza voce, col naso che gocciola, la tosse che non da tregua e un gran' abbioccamento. Molto speciale i colori di questo biglietto. Turchese con il viola non ho ancora sperimentato. lo faro prossimamente. Buona domenica, Ulla

  2. Very pretty! I love the vine running up the left hand side of the image, it's very cool! Awesome colors!

  3. This is such a cute card! Your coloring matched the paper perfectly. I saw that we both used Bonnie and I thought... "Hey, great minds DO think alike!". :)

    Annie Rose

  4. Ciao Anna, bello il biglietto, la bimba è veramente carina

  5. Wonderful creation, love the colors and the beautiful ribbon.
    xoxo Clarissa

  6. Your card looks really great.
    Thanks for joining us at Stempelträume.
    Many greetings


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