
lunedì 26 marzo 2012

Jeremy is a birthday pirate the Greeting Farm

Buongiorno cercavo inspirazione per fare il biglietto di compleanno per il mio figlio...da Anyone for Anya ho trovato un'idea. Faccio un pirata!! Ho preso Jeremy dal Greeting Farm e poi ho timbrato il mio pirata di Nellie Snellen ( il cappello, la spada, la carta ) ho disegnato io un benda per l'occhio.
Divertente ormai ho preso gusto il mio l'ultimo biglietto era anche "truccato con altri timbri"...
La stella e il teschio sono di Kars e le piccole stelle marine di AladinE. Il testo happy birthday ho fatto con i timbretti di Stamperia.
Lo sfondo un impressability che ho passato con l'inchiostro. Il charm era argento ma con l'inchiostro è diventato più marrone ( anticato ).

Goodmorning I was looking for inspiration for my sons birthday Anyone For Anya I have found the inspiration. I will make a pirate!! I have taken Jeremy ( the Greeting Farm ) and I have used my little pirate stamp of Nellie Snellen ( for the hat, the knife and map ) the eye bend was hand designed by me.
Such fun matching different stamps, in my last card I have also used two different stamps to make a "new" image. The background is an impressabilty passed with some brown ink.
The littlke sea stars are from AladinE, the big star and skull are from Kars. The happy birthday text made with my Stamperia letter stamps.
The charm has been made more antiche by using brown ink.

Goedenmorgen ik zocht inspiratie voor mijn zoons zijn verjaardags kaart, en op de challenge blog van Anyone for Anya heb ik die gevonden. Ik maak een piraat. Met Jeremy van de Greeting Farm en mijn kleine piraat stampel van Nellie Snellen ( voor de hoed, het mes en de kaart ) heb ik een nieuwe piraat gecreeerd. De oog lap zelf getekend. De achtergrond is een impressability met wat bruine inkt.
Ik het zo leuk verschillende stempels te combineren, ook mijn laatste kaart was een mix om een nieuw personage te creeren.
De kleine zee sterretjes zijn van AladinE, de grote ster en doodskop zijn van Kars, text happy birthday met Stamperia letter stempeltjes gemaakt.


Anyone for Anya- pirates

Farm Fresh Monday Funday- Anything goes with Greeting Farm stamp

Hugs Blankina

9 commenti:

  1. He looks wonderful! I can't believe you had all of that pirate stuff to fit on him! I love all of the pirate embellishments as well, great card!

  2. Anche il mio nipotino Matteo va matto per i pirati, e di Nellie Snellen ho tutta la serie, che ho stampati anche per i bimbi del nostro asilo. Continua cosi, Ulla.

  3. I have awarded you and your blog the Liebster Award. Please drop by my blog to collect your award. Thank you.

  4. This is fantastic! You are so creative, adding in all the pirate stuff. I love it! :)

    Thanks for playing with us at {ANYONE FOR ANYA}!

    -Annie Rose

  5. Ooh Blankina this is awesome! Love all of the details. Thanks for playing along with Anyone for Anya this week! :)

  6. Wat een leuke kaart, en wat heb je hem leuk "aangekleed"
    Bedankt voor je deelname aan Anyone for Anya..

    liefs Merit en Annemarie

  7. Awesome, Blankina..i am going to use the pirate theme for my card in two places also...makes sense. I did make an elephant for my daughter and we named it, Blankina...let me know if you want to see a picture. :)

  8. Bellissimo il pirata, auguri per il compleanno dei tuoi bimbi!
    Perdonami non mi sono ricordata.

  9. wowww wat een leuke creatief idee, super leuk

    leuk dat je weer mee doet met anyone for anya

    Janine dt afa


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